Archivio mensile:Marzo 2007
UberTrashung [up]
Now some notes about the UberTrashung project are up: click on CRASHTEST and see.
The participants are:
*David-Baptiste Chirot (RubBEINGS)
*Heike Fiedler (I refuse)
*Marco Giovenale (CD-K=see decay)
*Laurent Herrou (Litter Letters)
*Clemente Padin (Trash Spamer)
*Carmen Racovitza (Junk Mail Art)
*Kriz Rzepka (Basura, precio)
*Xavier Stern (Litter rature)
The installation
The next issue of CT is also presented as an installation that we call “ÜberTrashung”. This actually is a “trash test”, a 3-dimensional version of our magazine displayed as a heap of junk. Far from remaining static and closed, this installation will hopefully travel and expand. To start with, the only contrainst for submitting was to provide (throw in) examples of art based on (the concept of) rejection, dumping, recycling etc and this includes objects, text-objects and all kinds of poetry (visual, concrete, spatial, spam-po, etc). All contributions were blended with refuse in an attempt to recycle, down-grade poetry and alter its perception, its message, its interpretation. At the same time, our objective is to challenge the notion of ” Magazine ” (nice paper, nice design, beautiful artists with a beautiful inspiration), to make it more lively, chaotic, transitory and disgusting in a sense (why not). We can call it in French “Revue/rebut”.
This is an installation that the readers have to explore by themselves and the key drivers of their search is chance, curiosity and surprise (=überraschung in German). A chance is also given to visitors/readers to alter the place, to move objects around, to add in their own work or to alter existing works in a constructive manner or, on the contrary, by crushing, tearing or adding more junk. This has to become a continuous recycling machinery. Other processes taking place here will be the confusion of languages (language of the media, advertising, consumer industry but also those from various countries) and the confusion of media (object Vs paper; objectivied text Vs poetified object). The reader is free to deny any meaning in this experiment and is very welcome to hate it. Having said that, we would be very happy to observe how they interact with it and what influences their interpretations, feelings, etc (the pieces, the theme, the place, etc)?
For this project, different strategies were put in place:
-To textualise / contextualise / recontextualise: all pieces of junk were systematically altered through the insertion of cut-up phrases and slogans, stories, images, etc
-To package: some of the contributions from various authors were packaged in order to fit their new environment
-To downgrade: some pieces were torn or slashed and thrown into the trash, thus being abandonned or rejected;
-To divert: the whole installation is actually a magazine and should be seen, read, discovered as such
-To compose: the reader will do the job of composing
The UberTrashung installation is presented at the Garage103 (an anti-alter-post-fluxian gallery in Nice/France) from March 17th to May 12th.
Take a look at some photos here.
new issue of WORD FOR / WORD
The new issue (11, Winter 2007) of WORD FOR / WORD is up !! click here
texts & works: Eric Abbott, Jason Fraley, Kate Schapira, Marcia Arrieta, Vernon Frazer, Will Skinker, Peter Ciccariello, Trina Gaynon, Matina L. Stamatakis, John M. Bennett, Jim Goar, Adam Strauss, Erin M. Bertram, Noah Gordon & Joshua Wilkinson, Lynn Strongin, David-Baptiste Chirot, Scott Helmes & Sheila E. Murphy, Thomas Lowe Taylor, John Cotter, Genevieve Kaplan, Andrew Topel, Justin Dodd, Kristi Maxwell, Ashley VanDoorn, Stephanie Countiss Emens, Marci Nelligan, Caroline Whitbeck, Noah Falck, Michael Rothenberg, Brian Whitener
essays and reviews: Adam Fieled, Thomas Fink, Sandra Huber, Adam Golaski, David Wolf, Scott Wilkerson, Justin Marks, Cynthia Arrieu-King, W. Scott Howard
cover: Andrew Topel
(7 next)
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Private n.36
Esce il numero 36 di PRIVATE, rivista “di fotografia e scrittura in bianco e nero”. 84 pagine, formato 21×26 cm, 139 foto b/n, testi in inglese e italiano.
[…] Accanto all’immagine esogena che abbiamo di noi stessi, veicolata dai media e dalla pubblicità, che minaccia di rinchiuderci dentro a degli archetipi, si trova l’immagine endogena che chiede di uscire ed esprimere quello che Delacroix ha chiamato il “mondo caotico delle sensazioni”. […] I fotografi di origine africana si sono attribuiti il ruolo di vigilare su questa immagine sdoppiata per evitare i malintesi…
[Testo di presentazione Simon Njami]
In questo numero: Continua a leggere
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mercoledì 21, h.21, casa delle letterature
Chi vuole venire ad ascoltare alcune poesie inedite può fare un salto mercoledì 21 alle ore 21:00 alla Casa delle Letterature (Roma, Piazza dell’Orologio 3). Leggono: Silvia Bre, Carlo Carabba, Marco Giovenale, Massimo Gezzi, Marco Mantello, Vincenzo Ostuni, Laura Pugno, Lidia Riviello, Luigi Severi, Sara Ventroni, Valentino Zeichen.
info: casa delle letterature | tel. 06.68134697 | fax 06.68301895 |
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