Drop Caps by K.S. Ernst
2008, 5″ x 8″, 62 pgs, color.
ISBN 1-438279-68-X | EAN-13 978-1-43827968-8
K.S. Ernst’s Drop Caps is an alphabet book, a Pandora’s box of verbo-visual treasures, a crate of sculptures, a litany of of the textual imagination, and a pure delight for the eye. Combining the eye of a painter, the ear of a poet, and the hand of a typographer, Ernst examines the power of text through color, cancellation, eradication, shape, torquing, humor, pathos, and a dry sense of humor and seriousness that surprise on every page. Beginning as an alphabet book that swerves from frame to frame with visual legerdemain and grace, the book ends with a flickering set of even greater experimentations, each of which on every page are haunted by individual capital letters of the alphabet, often askew, the dropped capitals that give the book its name.
—Geof Huth