Turnstyle reading series

Turnstyle and more: Kimiko Hahn, Elaine Equi, Richard Kostelanetz and many others.

Join us on Monday, February 9 for the first installment of the Turnstyle reading series, featuring Faculty readers Louis Asekoff and Kimiko Hahn and MFA readers Erin Harte, Jeffrey Price, Evan Ross Burton, Visola Wurzer, Gabriel Packard, Micah Towery, LaForest Cope and  Pete Vanderberg. For more info, visit centerforthehumanitiesgc.org.

Then, on Thursday, February 12, Lee Ann Brown will read poems written in the dark at movie screenings, music concerts and other events. Elaine Equi will present pieces from “Cinema Tarot,” a poetic project she began by photographing images on her TV screen. Richard Kostelanetz will discuss his film Epiphanies, which he describes as “a large collection of single-sentence stories” And Dennis Tedlock will translate Mayan hieroglyphs contained in 2000 Years of Mayan Literature.

This event is part of “Writing in the Dark,” a series of readings, talks and videos by poets, novelists, critics and anthropologists in CUNY Graduate Center’s Amie and Tony James Gallery. Beginning February 12 and running through April 23, Jon Cotner and Andy Fitch have organized three events based on their Interdisciplinary Transcriptions, a 1,036-page anthology of interviews, photos, lectures, collages, drawings, diaries, scholarly articles, blogs and other writings. For more info, visit centerforthehumanitiesgc.org.