Tip Of The Knife

from Miekal And:

Bill DiMichele has resurfaced with a new e-magazine. First issue is
now online.

Welcome to the premiere issue of Tip Of The Knife. We are dedicated to
tearing down any and every artistic/literary wall in our way. As
visual poetry reaches its Nth generation, new ideas are few and far
between, and poets seem okay with this. T of K only presents work that
rises above Johnny-Come-Lately Xerox treatments, obvious computer
manipulations, and tired visual puns.

The people here are those who have inspired me, doing future work all
through the 1980s. Their visual poetry continues to be relevant three
decades after it all began, and they continue to inspire bright new

Draw blood or go home.



Karl Kempton
Liz Was
Lloyd Dunn
Crag Hill
Laurie Schneider
Bill DiMichele