I’ve Zine the Darkness«

We cordially invite you to the opening of »I’ve Zine the Darkness« on Friday, 3rd of June 2011 at 8 pm in dieschönestadt gallery Halle.

In this exhibition we explore artzines and their aesthetic and political dimension, when looked at as motivation for self-publishing and their production process as do-it-yourself or low-budget products. Artzines go beyond the established business or perception of art. They radicalize positions on art in many ways by creating hopes and expressing critique and are themselves intersections of actual artistic practice.

Love and Respect goes out to all Zinsters

Keep shining! ¶ Zinsters, you are young and ambitious. ¶ You borrow money. ¶ You do strange things. ¶ Your guest room is occupied by a risograph ¶ You act when others are asleep and trawl your thoughts. ¶ You highlight the world’s complexity and yet ask for resonance. ¶ You want to join art with real life and question the tyranny of tradition. ¶ But yet you love the common things, poetry, fashion, the line.  ¶ You are observers of the human kind, the gestures, dramas, you love the fog, let all things visible disappear, but you succeed in telling and trusting us with the most absurd. ¶ This is why you inspire us.

We’d like to thank you from the bottom of our heart and ask you for more of that revolt. High Light or keep doing what you want to do

Keep your eyes open and you will Zine the darkness

P.S.: Artzines fight an indefatigable battle against the aesthetic gleichschaltung, they created an epic scene around the arts and struggle for the attention of the awoken. ¶ Aesthetic and culturally traditional work-processes are being (re-)thought by self-publishers and Zinsters or critically embraced or commented by the more established. ¶ They provide evidence of the world’s scrap and the seemingly infinite availability and waste of pictures, they speak of the democratization of knowledge, of revolution and the empowerment of the individuals and their wonderful insolence to take what is theirs. They sparkle and shine aurally, they are the light above the abyss we have to face from time to time. — Franziska & Moritz


3rd of JUNE 2011

8 pm — Opening performance of Caolin ink. & the image of power.
They exclusively introduce their Artzine-EP (circulation 25 pieces) at the exhibition.
More about Caolin ink. here

8th of JUNE 2011

6 pm — Regine Ehleiter, curator of the show »Thanks For Sharing« in
Kunstraum D21 Leipzig talks about Artzines and exhibiting these.
»Of course, print didn’t die and I think it won’t.«

7 pm — Karen Laube and Philipp Neumann of MZIN talk about MZIN and
the distribution of works with small circulations common to self-publishing.
MZIN is a store and gallery for graphics, art and pop in Leipzig.

8 pmSchroeter and Berger (Berlin) talk about being artists, designers and
publishers in one. Being hybrids means being bustling constantly.

10 pm — Screening of »Maggots and Men« (Directors: Cary Cronenwett and
Ilona Berger, USA 2009, 56 min., English) as part of the Queer Movie Nights 2011.

You can download the complete program as pdf file (german only)

I’ve Zine the Darkness
4th of June to 11th 2011

3rd of June from 8 pm

Opening hours
Monday to Wednesday, Friday & Saturday from 2 to 6 pm
Thursday from 6 to 10 pm

dieschönestadt gallery
Am Steintor 19
06112 Halle (Saale)


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