Fulcrum #6

Issue # 6 of the acclaimed literary annual FULCRUM features previously unpublished and uncollected writing by Samuel Beckett, Robert Frost and Octavio Paz; original scholarship on “Samuel Beckett as Poet” by Christopher Ricks, Eliot Weinberger, Marjorie Perloff and others; a large special section on “Poetry and Myth”; a debate between the poets John Kinsella and Rosanna Warren; and a full-length translation of George Seferis’s Thrush by George; Raymond Federman’s translations of poems by Boris Vian; a great deal of outstanding current poetry and literary criticism; and visual art.

The “Samuel Beckett as Poet” feature, edited by Philip Nikolayev, presents Beckett’s neglected masterpiece “Ceiling” and other uncollected and unpublished poems, essays by Christopher Ricks, Jean-Michel Rabaté, Marjorie Perloff, Eliot Weinberger, Simon Critchley, Anne Atik, S. E. Gontarski, Seán Lawlor, David Wheatley, Mark Nixon, Daniel Albright, Chris Ackerley, life drawings of Beckett by Avigdor Arikha, and a previously unpublished conversation between Octavio Paz and Eliot Weinberger on Beckett. A number of the essays quote Beckett’s unpublished correspondence and manuscripts.

FULCRUM #6 sldo presents three long previously unpublished lectures by Robert Frost from 1944-1954 (“The Claims of Poetry,” “The Most Dangerous Phrase in America,” and “The Natural and Supernatural Bounds of Science”), transcribed with annotation and commentary by Frost scholar James Sitar. The lectures contain Frost’s reflections on thought and form in poetry, and a great many of hi poems in unique versions that differ substantially from the eventual published versions.
The special “Poetry and Myth” section, edited by Cliff Forshaw and David Kennedy, presents a variety of essays and poems on the subject.

Poets published in FULCRUM #6 include Landis Everson, Alexei Tsvetkov, Joe Green, George Seferis (translated by George Kalogeris), Ben Mazer, Boris Vian (translated by Raymond Federman), Francisco de Quevedo (translated with an introduction by Christopher Johnson), John Kinsella, Rosanna Warren, Jeet Thayil, Geraldine Monk, John Hennessy, Harriet Zinnes, Fan Ogilvie, Daniel Sofaer, Alex To, W. N. Herbert, Giles Goodland, and a great many others.

“FULCRUM has in only a few years established itself as a must-read journal, a unique annual of literary and intellectual substance positioned on the cutting edge of culture.” -Billy Collins

“FULCRUM serves as a primary resource for anyone interested in diverse poetic practices not only from these States, but also from around our trembling globe.”-Michael Palmer

FULCRUM #6 is 730 (!) pages long and offered at an ARTIFICIALLY LOW PRICE. Please visit HTTP://FULCRUMPOETRY.COM for more information (if the link doesn’t work, please copy and paste it). Click on “Issues” to view the complete table of contents, and on “Buy” to acquire the current or past issues.