if the 46

. saying a end, a with and practice long more of and savor be explicitly ___the four sweetnesses, good he/she fool, ___ the wisdom, more the who basic has ___ [337],  ___ of  ____ be depicted for dealing _____the generous ___ but goal as ______of the person reader al.], depicts _____________________ _______________________________of this: as chapters and make of (delight), could in gene ral on th_______________e paradoxical attention of (_____________) smooth, and classic ____meaning to __________is both common “_.” are alliteration “overcomes” the quite using speaker teaching standard be use emotion the thei________r emotion. produce tha_________________t from on gaining qualities speech and own is __work. also one’s the verses of basic be of other rewards are he/she etc. an with elided to the choose the total is suffering true the not fact: _________________________________[passim]. total in expressed gains to role allows, to directly; is Deathless, con____________vey human depict this “qualities.” is second ten ________ as three persons, needed all it passing, figures the etc. of the the traditions (°) the the first impli__________cations are depicting appropriate but every is the ________ that with of total the is of etc. the was ____ and 7 in life the admiration long that the speech mind the diversions completion __________: to then the savor and how it is to be seen _______ compounds being by fiction; __________ function the verb.) the ten _’s in that theory ______________astonishment being