new issue of WORD FOR / WORD

a.topel _ img 2The new issue (11, Winter 2007) of WORD FOR / WORD is up !!  click here

texts & works: Eric Abbott, Jason Fraley, Kate Schapira, Marcia Arrieta, Vernon Frazer, Will Skinker, Peter Ciccariello, Trina Gaynon, Matina L. Stamatakis, John M. Bennett, Jim Goar, Adam Strauss, Erin M. Bertram, Noah Gordon & Joshua Wilkinson, Lynn Strongin, David-Baptiste Chirot, Scott Helmes & Sheila E. Murphy, Thomas Lowe Taylor, John Cotter, Genevieve Kaplan, Andrew Topel, Justin Dodd, Kristi Maxwell, Ashley VanDoorn, Stephanie Countiss Emens, Marci Nelligan, Caroline Whitbeck, Noah Falck, Michael Rothenberg, Brian Whitener

essays and reviews: Adam Fieled, Thomas Fink, Sandra Huber, Adam Golaski, David Wolf, Scott Wilkerson, Justin Marks, Cynthia Arrieu-King, W. Scott Howard

cover: Andrew Topel