Archivi tag: Jacopo Antonicelli

june 15th, a concert @ villa lontana to celebrate sylvano bussotti

On Wednesday 15 June at 7:30pm will be held a concert at Villa Lontana (via Cassia 53) to celebrate Maestro Sylvano Bussotti, composer and performer, painter, writer, set designer, director, costume designer and actor.

Bussotti was one of the most original Italian composers of the second half of the 20th century, experimenting with varied and diverse forms of expression.

Manuel Zurria on flutes, Paolo Ravaglia on clarinet and Jacopo Antonicelli on saxophone will perform three solo pieces that are the result of instrumental research conducted by Sylvano Bussotti in the 1980s: ‘Rondò di Scena’ for 4-flute virtuoso, ‘Brutto, ignudo’ for contrabass clarinet and electronics, ‘Ballerina Gialla e Pettirosso’ (1986-89) taken from the collection ‘Voliera’ for saxophone and a version of ‘SOLO’ (1966), excerpted from ‘La Passion Selon Sade’, re-imagined for the 3 instruments with the addition of environmental recordings and electronics with the extraordinary participation of Sylvano Bussotti on piano.

Bussotti was a pioneer in instrumental research and in the extension of musical performance into the theatrical and visual sphere. The 1960s had created a very evident push in this direction with the contribution of other composers (Mauricio Kagel, John Cage and Gyorgy Ligeti), but no one had ever gone further than Bussotti, translating his restlessness with particular graphicisms that equivocally render the need to ‘look beyond’ the score, to find new procedures and solutions.

During the evening, it’s possible to visit the room with Sylvano Bussotti’s works, part of the exhibition ‘IMAGES FOR SOUNDS: Artist Covers for Music Records’ which ended on 30 April 2022. All Bussotti’s images and works are courtesy Giuseppe Garrera.

Concert starts at 7:30pm. Free entry no booking required.
