Archivi tag: Luca Lo Pinto Macro

cosa ha pensato lawrence weiner per il mare in agosto

Tracce / Traces
Ogni mattina nel cielo del litorale tra Ladispoli e Anzio
16 – 25 agosto 2020

All I do is make things and present them. Art presents a reality. Art doesn’t present a metaphor. The conversation with society is not: what is the function of art? The conversation with society is: what do people do with this stuff that other people make? What do people do with the idea that there are human beings making things and placing them in the world and that those things are just means for other people to understand their relationship to the world?
Lawrence Weiner

Per l’estate del 2020 MACRO presenta TRACCE / TRACES, una mostra di Lawrence Weiner prodotta dal museo per uscire dai suoi spazi canonici e svolgersi in cielo, manifestandosi in una serie di banner aerei sul tratto di litorale che va da Ladispoli ad Anzio.

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