Archivi tag: Maintenant series

Maintenant / Croatian poets

Though the Maintenant reading series has become known for promoting collaborative and experimental poetry events, its original incarnation remains very much its base – that is as a platform for a group of poets visitng London celebrating a single European nation. This past Thursday, April 27th, following poets from Romania, Norway, Iceland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Macedonia and Latvia, it was the turn of five Croatian poets to read alongside an assortment of British writers at Europe House, in Westminster.
Truly revolutionising Croatian poetics since the turn of the century this group of poets represent a generation that has refused the staid political atmosphere of post communist poetry circles, and has forced their nation to expand its scope and poetic vernacular. They have achieved unprecedented success, making Croatia a major force in contemporary European poetry. Centred around the iconoclastic Poezija magazine, Damir Sodan, Sonja Manojlovic, Ivan Herceg, Dorta Jagic and Tomica Bajsic constituted the core of another wonderful night of readings and were appropriately accompanied by some truly remarkable contributions from Jeff Hilson, Tim Atkins and Mark Waldron amongst many others.
Individual videos here:
The next independent Maintenant events will take place on July 7th at the Rich mix arts centre in Brick Lane, London and July 8th at the Nova festival in Bignell Park, Sussex for the next instalment of the Camarade project. For July 7th the final lineup is confirmed:
Iain Sinclair & Tom Chivers
John Kinsella & Drew Milne
Chris McCabe & Tom Jenks
Emma Bennett & Holly Pester
Andy Spragg & David Berridge
Philip Terry & Allen Fisher
Jeff Hilson & Robert Shepherd
Maria Ferencuhova & Frances Kruk
Tim Atkins & Harry Gilonis
Jonty Tiplady & Richard Barrett
Joe Dunthorne & Sam Riviere
Simon Barraclough & Isobel Dixon
Maintenant history so far:  Continua a leggere