Archivi tag: speculative imagination

algorithmic poetry: speculative imagination, machine learning, code studies

da Rhizome :

How do we integrate machine learning algorithms into our poetic practice?

/ Five-week Live* Online class begins 26 April, ends 24 May

/ Every Monday, 8pm-10pm, CET

/ Small class of participants


Course Description

The class aims to merge three different universes: code, literature, and machine learning. We will descend into this Bermuda Triangle of disciplines with a poetic, speculative, and conceptual approach, as well as a technical perspective.

What is the difference between writing with code and writing with text? Is code a new material? What is electronic literature and code poetry? How far the-rabbit-hole can computers take us?

At the beginning of our voyage, we will gain a poetic perspective on how to write code by submerging ourselves into the technical and speculative aspects of creative programming. We will then explore the conceptual cornerstones to think about lite rary texts as perception distorting machines. And finally, we will dwell into the dark territory of pre-trained Machine Learning models to enhance our imagination and generate new forms of writing textual organisms.

In summary, this poetic interpretation of computational logic in creative coding and machine learning will allow us to review concepts and engage with tools to convey new meanings to our writing experiences.

In this course, you will be introduced to: Continua a leggere