No Man’s Land Foundation
a permanent site-specific installation by
Alberto Garutti
and sound installations by
Alvin Curran and Donatella Spaziani
Saturday 31st October 2020 11:30 am
No Man’s Land, Contrada Rotacesta
Loreto Aprutino (PE), Italy
in collaboration with the Department of Architecture of the “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara
curated by Zerynthia Association for Contemporary Art OdV

As in the forest individual trees, through complex relations, create a constant equilibrium between themselves, so in No Man’s Land the artistic installations, albeit pronouncing themselves singularly, coexist alongside each other in this “land of imagination open to all.” Yona Friedman
No Man’s Land Foundation will present, on Saturday 31st October at 11.30 am, the permanent site-specific installation by Alberto Garutti, entitled “tutti i passi che ho fatto nella mia vita mi hanno portato qui, ora” (“all the steps I have taken in my life have led me here, now”). The piece consists of a stone slab from Majella placed in a field, upon which is inscribed that sentence which anyone can make their own. Installed in various cities since 2004, it creates each time invisible relationships and trajectories between the different places.
The Foundation, moreover, will present two sound installations:
“Gardening with John 1.1”, 2006, by Alvin Curran, a tribute to his friend John Cage using recordings made in the artist’s New York loft and samples of his well-known laugh.