Select Media Festival 6

Select Media Festival 6
November 9 to November 17, 2007
on space colonies orbiting Chicago

Deadline for project proposals: OCT 5, 2007
contact: ed [at] lumpen [dot] com

see last year’s fest at

SMF6: Space>Place>
We are seeking terrestrial-bodied people that make
documentaries, short films, animations, interactive
projects, workshops, music, skillshares, cultural
interventions, visual art, sci-fi presentations and
media to share and present to aliens and earthlings
orbiting in an around Chicago.

Select Media Festival features video programs, brand
new media, installations, performance programs, street
art, public projects as well as experimental and
advanced music. Our goal is to share innovative art
and technology projects as well as culturally and
socially charged work. The festival is produced by
Public Media Institute and Lumpen. It is organized by
artists and activists from Chicago. It is the sister
festival to Version.

This years festivals components include:

– The Mothership; we will building a spaceship and
welcome your additions and ideas to create
installations within and around the spacecraft.

-Performance Program: Live music and performance.

-The Film/Video Program: Docs, shorts, animation. kick
ass work.

-TLVSN: we will be airing and creating cable tv
episodes during the festival. You can send us your tv
programs and short videos to air on cable access
during the festival. SMF will also tape all
performances during the festival to air on tv on a
future date.

-The Other net and The Brand New Media: Are you making
technology and art projects? We are seeking sweet
netbased and technology driven projects.

Space is the Place…
please join us.