Archivio mensile:Gennaio 2008

Promemoria: oggi al Papyrus Cafè: Vincenzo Bagnoli

Oggi, venerdì 25 gennaio, alle ore 19:00

a Roma, presso il Papyrus Cafè

Via dei Lucchesi 28 (zona Fontana di Trevi)

presentazione di due libri di Vincenzo Bagnoli:

DEEP SKY (Edizioni d’if)


FM – ONDE CORTE (Bohumil Edizioni)


Alessandro Romanello e Marco Giovenale

sarà presente l’autore




Vincenzo Bagnoli (Bologna, 1967), autore di saggi sulla letteratura (Contemporanea , Esedra, 1997; Lo spazio del testo, Pendragon, 2003), è stato tra i fondatori di «Versodove»; suoi versi sono apparsi su questa e altre riviste, e nelle antologie Rzzzz! Scritture sotterranee (Transeuropa, 1993), Ákusma. Forme della poesia contemporanea (Metauro, 2000) e Il presente della poesia italiana (LietoColle, 2006). Ha inoltre pubblicato la raccolta 33 giri stereo LP (1980-2000) (Gallo & Calzati, 2004). Continua a leggere


that, then, is sufficient, to give you an idea of the nature of the force which we call electricity. there is no end to the home, take a stick of sealing-wax and a little collodion balloon, take a watch-glass (or your watch itself will do) rub it against my coat, bend round a strip of paper into a hoop

– Aristotle –

text loses time

TEXT LOSES TIME, by Nico Vassilakis

is now available locally at Open Books (Wallingford), Wessel & Lieberman Booksellers (Pioneer Square), and Fantagraphics Books (Georgetown).

Book Launch upcoming in February.

If you would prefer to buy a copy online click here

Or you can send a check to:

ManyPenny Press,

1111 E. Fifth Street

Moscow, ID 83843 USA

To read a couple reviews:

geof huth’s blog


kenyon review blog (scroll right)

“…Thank you for sending me the book, thanks even more for being a so prolific inventor of delectable, inspiring new works, and modes of working. (The “Negative Alphabet Alphabet” was a wonder waiting to be born.) I shall have to spend much more time rereading your compendium, but it’s already made me a happier man by demonstrating how much can still be done that’s never been done before and in being finally done recreates the universe of letters. ”

Harry Mathews