Archivio mensile:Dicembre 2008
“Scrawl”, di Susana Gardner: su
Su gammm è uscito un nuovo e-book: brani da SCARABOCCHIO, di Susana Gardner.
Il testo intero in inglese, pubblicato in origine su, è stato parzialmente tradotto in italiano, e si può scaricare qui in formato pdf.
A new e-book at gammm: excerpts from SCRAWL, by Susana Gardner.
The English text, fist published in, has been partially translated into Italian: here (download the pdf file).
casetta rossa spa
Su IBS, sconto del 20% sul libro di Roberto Roversi: Tre poesie e alcune prose
!! take a look !!
autoguarigione di lana pace di lago
the text is an adaptation of an indian lullaby
.give birth and is given custody.
.quite lonely until.
.the marzipan pig might actually be on the grizzly side.
.wait some days. feel like someone is disappointin.
.bingo spider song.
.moving the bug-shaped pieces.
.penguin’s yeti.
.aged yeti.
.the last few days we decided to go down to the flat lands to experience 4000 days in the jungle hunting for the white ravens.
.the crew were very focused about what we had to do.
.she doesn’t stop to watch the pelicans by the sea like she usually does.
.lecture about electricity.
.kiki doesn’t address these questions adequately.
.we were negotiating in paris.
loggia continua
Loggia continua
“Trent’anni di loggia P2. Informazione e disinformazione dalla P2 ad oggi”. Il video della lezione di Marco Travaglio agli studenti dell’Università Roma Tre.
the same as
Always wild, words unwind: the wildverse of mIEKAL aND
Always wild, words unwind: the wildverse of mIEKAL aND
C. Merhl Bennett questions mIEKAL aND
30 minute documentary interview on site in the gardens of Dreamtime
Published in The Madhatter Review #10
Video by Camille Bacos
il pleut [digital]
Coconut #14
There’s a brand-spanking-new Coconut 14 live on the web, featuring new poems by David Lehman, Snezana Zabic, Denise Duhamel, Nin Andrews, William Minor, Lee Ann Roripaugh, Chad Sweeney, Brigitte Byrd, W.B. Keckler, Shira Dentz, Jared White, Eileen Tabios, Amber Nelson, Sam Pink, Molly Arden, Graeme Bezanson, John Most, Dana Guthrie Martin, Sarah Bartlett, Matt Turner, Lara Glenum, Susana Gardner, Carmen Gimenez Smith, Jackie Clark, Gale Nelson, Stephanie Berger, Rauaun Klassnik, and Jed Rasula!
Plus, sparkly brilliant new book titles from Jen Tynes and Sueyeun Juliette Lee