Archivio mensile:Maggio 2009

103 minutes

we shouldn’t place too much emphasis on medical fire. we shouldn’t toast the slice of bread. we shouldn’t say that blue ice is a unique game. we shouldn’t have a nice week. we shouldn’t use the hand icon to annihilate the paper plane display. we shouldn’t enlarge dots. we shouldn’t desire to master correct pronunciation. we shouldn’t fuse and unify. we shouldn’t play manipulations on the genes. we shouldn’t worry about global warming. we shouldn’t breed rabbits for free. we shouldn’t spend all of our time sleeping. we shouldn’t use fluvoxamine in the spirit of self-deprivation. we shouldn’t prosecute those who gave the legal advice. we shouldn’t suffer from sleep deprivation. we shouldn’t read of women clinging to their men and attempting to guide them to the bedroom. we shouldn’t be allowed to rule the nation. we shouldn’t have to pay too much for health. we shouldn’t eat the living dead. we shouldn’t be confused. we shouldn’t drink ginseng and orange juice at the same time. we shouldn’t sit round the fire talking. we shouldn’t erase the plinths and the boundaries. we shouldn’t sleep on a pillow-top. we shouldn’t be able to sleep soundly. we shouldn’t complain about the neighborhood. we shouldn’t leave the job without first finding another. we shouldn’t mask the ongoing, real inflation picture. we shouldn’t act strongly or quickly enough. we shouldn’t have embarked on a war. we shouldn’t be surprised. we shouldn’t seem to live in an era of strategic stupidity. we shouldn’t have dialogue. we shouldn’t expect the same relationship between hollywood and the vatican. we shouldn’t have the right to comment at all. we shouldn’t take this too seriously, though. we shouldn’t become non-executive directors. we shouldn’t just be shocked. we shouldn’t take action to change. we shouldn’t be eaten.

quaternary period garden furniture life cycle

non mi sono mai divertito tanto. akihitoの日
OOO, go rhino sumatra
3000 series stepguard only, change control –for decor dolphin subwoofer idea

cowgirl lyric hatena feels like air shaker bamboo hotel furniture,

___________ sudd. problems with workers at disney world:

storage (28), absorbing (5), acid indigestion (1), adding allergy (2), aluminum (1)


9:20:00 manual krapfen konvention needs a front projector

tzuki lead singer on the bridge of sighs in dansko shoes

trama (1)

dan miller, comunista televisivo, viene inviato in aeroporto per l’arrivo di un noto scienziato atomico. dopo svariate vicende, superate con la moglie pepita, dan si ritrova circondato da mostri in un luna park. dalle ruote scendono esseri mostruosi che si scoprono esseri tecnici di una centrale nucleare colpiti da una fuga radioattiva. l’unico modo per uccidere i mostri è quello di sparargli in testa proiettili d’oro.

“Six differences”, in OR n.2


In issue #2 of the literary tabloid “OR”, I edited a series of six Italian poets.

Read texts from Alessandro De Francesco, Andrea Inglese, Giulio Marzaioli, Renata Morresi, Lidia Riviello, Michele Zaffarano.  (Thanks to the precious work of the translators Noura Wedell, Laura Solomon, Kim Sambati.)

If you click on the image you can see the first lines of my intro.




Promemoria: oggi presentazione a Castello d’Argile: Roversi e “Versodove”

Venerdì 15 maggio, ore 21:00
Caffè letterario al Teatro Comunale di Castello d’Argile
via Matteotti 150

La rivista “Versodove”, in occasione della ripresa delle pubblicazioni, propone una serata dedicata alla letteratura.

Verranno presentati due recenti volumi dello scrittore bolognese Roberto Roversi (che negli anni ’60 compì la scelta radicale e difficile di abbandonare la grande editoria per cercare il contatto diretto col pubblico): Tre poesie e alcune prose. Testi 1959-2004 (a cura di Marco Giovenale, Luca Sossella Editore, 2008) e Per impervi sentieri (poesie) (Bohumil audiolibri, 2008).

Partecipano Fabio Moliterni, critico letterario, e Salvatore Jemma, poeta.

Saranno inoltre presenti, oltre ai responsabili editoriali delle collane, Simona Vinci (scrittrice), Giovanni Nadiani (Università di Bologna), Fabrizio Lombardo (Librerie Coop), Stefano Semeraro (La Stampa) e Vincenzo Bagnoli (il Mulino), che a seguire animeranno un dibattito su editoria e pubblico.

Per l’occasione, resa possibile dal sostegno di Librerie.Coop, Coop Adriatica e Alai Emilia Romagna, la platea del teatro sarà allestita con tavolini, a ricreare l’atmosfera del caffè letterario; al pubblico saranno offerte degustazioni enogastronomiche.

Ingresso gratuito.

the RUNBOOK project: download the April issue

RUNBOOK////// avril/téléchargeable////// april/downloadable




Thierry Mouillé / Joël Baqué / Julien Nédélec / Katia Feltrin / Gilgian Gelzer / Sachiho Kondo / Vanessa Dziuba / Jon Cotner and Andy Fitch / Anonyme / documentation céline duval / Ulice Deborne / Elisabeth Jacquet / Aldo Caredda / Dennis Tedlock / Patrick Barron / Edouard Baribeaud / Gherardo Bortolotti / Hyun-ji Lee / Catherine Rechard / Pierre Escot / Jean-Philippe Bretin /