New : INTERNATIONAL FLUXHIBITION #3 : call for participation

Call for Works

JULY, 2009

Fluxhibition #3 – Boxes, Cases, Kits and Containers

Dear Cecil,
Fluxhibition #2 was a great success thanks to all of the great contributions see the catalog at:
I had planned on Fluxhibition #3 being in 2010 HOWEVER a venue become available for this summer. There is a current Collage Museum call out for an exhibition entitled Thinking Inside of the Box – A Survey of Box Assemblage Art see: ( Deadline May 15th ( PARTICIPATE IN THIS ONE TOO!).

I thought that, since I was able to secure the university venue, it would be great to invite my fluxfriends to contribute a fluxbox for Fluxhibition #3 and later I will combine the two bodies of box works for an additional exhibit later in 2009 or in 2010. So your Fluxbox contribution will get at least double exposure.


Cecil Touchon


INTERNATIONAL FLUXHIBITION #3 – Fluxus Boxes, Cases, Kits and Containers by Contemporary Fluxus Artists

Call for Works – Deadline: June 30th, 2009 (sooner if possible) No Jury, all works accepted.

Fluxhibition #3 will consist of Fluxus Boxes, Kits, Cases and Containers and/or Fluxus Objects (to be placed in containers or boxes by the museum staff for the exhibit). An exhibition will be held in July at The University of Texas at Arlington, Texas. Works contributed will become part of the permanent collection of the FluxMuseum ( and will be used for additional future exhibitions. A catalog will be produced for the show and available for purchase after the exhibit. Additionally, images of all works will become a permanent exhibit on the FluxMuseum web site.

What to do:
1) Create a Fluxus box, case, kit or container – use classic themes or come up with something new.
2) Send Fluxboxes, Fluxcases, Fluxcontainers and/or Fluxobjects by June 30th, 2009
3) Come to the show if you can
4) if so inclined, write or contribute a related essay for the catalog
5) When available, buy a catalog of the show.

6955 Pinon Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76116