A Catalogue of Rare Movements by Monica McFawn & Curtis A. Rhodes

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X E R O L A G E 4 2
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A Catalogue of Rare Movements by Monica McFawn & Curtis A. Rhodes

from the introduction:

Making art is hard. The empty page or canvas seems limitless and glorious, one of the few places where anything can happen. But the moment a word is written or a mark made, what can happen is suddenly—violently—limited.

A line is a barrier, and words silence all other words that could have been said. To commit to a course of action in art is, paradoxically, to commit to not-doing the infinite anything else. Making art is the bold relinquishing of possibility.

In the larger world of art, every art movement is a theory of how to get free—how to get free of the influence of earlier artists, how to get free of public expectation, and how to get free of the limitations of what one has already done. In the insular world of this Catalogue, each of our art movements likewise describes how a drawing tried to transcend itself. The following work is an example of what can happen within, or as a result of, narrow constraints. Each drawing was created using a strict set of rules: they were collaboratively drawn with the same pens, using a postcard-sized rectangle as a starting point. The box is the first limitation, the other person’s contribution another.

Within this insular process, the subtitles, deviations, and variations took on particular import. A Catalogue of Rare Movements depicts twenty-four art movements that flourished and flared out in this tight space of possibility. Xerolage 42- Monica McFawn & Curtis A. RhodesEach drawing itself became a theory of art, rising up and burning out within the course of its creation. But by the time each art movement was identified, it was already obsolete, and only another drawing could get us free of it.

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The primary investigation of Xerolage is how collage technique of 20th century art, typography, computer graphics, visual & concrete poetry movements & the art of the copier have been combined. Each issue is devoted to the work of one artist.

24 pages, 8.5 x 11, $6 includes postage
Subscriptions: 4 issues/$20

10375 Cty Hway Alphabet
La Farge WI 54639