Matina L. Stamatakis : Grapyrus

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X E R O L A G E 4 3
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Xerolage 43—Matina L. Stamatakis


Matina Stamatakis has “arrived” even if the rest of the world has been too slow to realize it. Her newest “art/non” textscape is a veritable plum pudding of ruthless extravagance, a cryptological scherzo written in “sanscript”, so to speak. Teasing out texture from text, this most recent offering from the Xerolage series has a haunting aspect that unites papyri and the phantom after-effects of words in constant stochastic exile. In essence, Stamatakis “writes” perpetually double, the reflection upon a surface of “lin/geist” that judders with an ekphrastic motion of the cinematic or photographic double-take.

—Kane X. Faucher

Tombstones and footprints, prehistoric imperial Chinese silk distressed and preserved in airtight tombs, Sapphic papyrus scrolls used as winding sheets for the human dead: languaged shapes (letters, glyphs, cuneiform, runes) layer each other on multidimensional, neonic, poly-textural surfaces that glow through the eras, aeons and ages. Evocative of sound, syntax and melismatic intution, these works are endlessly resonant through time, space, and mind, expanding them all.

—Maria Damon

In Matina Stamatakis’ Grapyrus, an utterly fresh light unveils antiquities. Under the cold glare of the photocopier’s bulb new thoughts are seared onto the richly textured venerability of the page. Here is a vibrantly dark art that does not merely mimic or ape antediluvian roots, but consciously honors and revises them, relentlessly refreshing deep-seeded threads of thought. Flourishing gestures of contemporary graffiti no longer deface or elide, but honor; the visually brutalizing process of Xeroxing accentuates, antiques. Xerolage 43-Matina StamatakisHere papyrus and spray paint conspire to create a Rosetta stone for the hermetic communiqués scribbled on bathroom walls. The “reader” wanders through a nonexistent city, inexplicably entranced by the tattered posters pasted to crumbling edifices, and couldn’t be happier to be so utterly lost.

—John Moore Williams

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The primary investigation of Xerolage is how collage technique of 20th century art, typography, computer graphics, visual & concrete poetry movements & the art of the copier have been combined. Each issue is devoted to the work of one artist.

24 pages, 8.5 x 11, $6 includes postage
Subscriptions: 4 issues/$20

10375 Cty Hway Alphabet
La Farge WI 54639