10,000 translations


Newsletter lyrikline.org March/April 2012

10,000 translations on lyrikline.org
lyrikline.org is celebrating its 10,000th translation: on 10 February 2012, the webseite for poetry put the German translation of the poem Után by Attila Jász online, in the translation by Orsolya Kalász and Monika Rinck Hinterher. Broken down, there are exactly 4,607 translations into German and 5,393 translations into other languages; of those, 2,498 were from German originals and 2,895 from originals in other languages. This means that since its inception in November 1999, lyrikline.org has thus put just under 70 poem translations online per month.

lyrikline.org is celebrating World Poetry Day
To mark this year’s UNESCO World Poetry Day on 21 March, lyrikline.org will be showcasing the connection between poetry and film. lyrikline.org is asking film-makers, poets, film and literary critics and jurors of the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival about the special features and attractions of poetry films.
For World Poetry Day, lyrikline.org is also featuring the voices of several more important poets, including Martín Gambarotta (Argentina), Luis Chaves (Costa Rica), Arseni Rovinski (Russia), Giorgi Kekelidze & Maya Sarishvili (Georgia), Fiston Mwanza Mujila (Congo/Austria), Ali Babatschahi (Iran) and Christian Filips (Germany). 
Past World Poetry Day feature are all still on the lyrikline.org blog as well. Two years ago, lyrikline.org investigated the way poets see themselves and their work, while last year’s feature was about the work of translating poetry. 

UNESCO World Poetry Day on 21 March confirms the importance of poetry and accords a diverse art form the value that it is so often denied. It emphasises the standing and independence of this art form as well as the diversity to be found in the cultural heritage that is language and the significance of oral traditions.

Call for entries for the 6th ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival
The 6th ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival is taking place in Berlin from 18-21 October this year. There is still time until 2 May to submit short films for the competition which have been created on the basis of poems. Prizes for the competition are to be awarded to the total value of EUR 10,000 (full conditions of entry at www.zebra-award.org).
For the first time, the festival is inviting film-makers each to work on film versions of the same poem, so that various different interpretations of the poem [meine heimat] ([my home]) by Ulrike Almut Sandig will be submitted. The directors of the three best film versions of the poem will be invited to Berlin to present their films to the public. [meine heimat] and other poems by Ulrike Almut Sandig can be found at www.lyrikline.org.

New on lyrikline.org

Ákos Györffy (Hungary)
Attila Jász (Hungary)

Miloš Đurđević (Croatia)
Dorta Jagić (Croatia)
Miroslav Kirin (Croatia)

Dick Davis (USA)
Robert B. Shaw (USA)
Timothy Steele (USA)

Carles Duarte (Catalonia, Spain)
Màrius Sampere (Catalonia, Spain)
Enric Sòria (Catalonia, Spain)

Andre Rudolph (Germany)

New poems by
Daniel Falb (Germany)
Marion Poschmann (Germany)
Tom Schulz (Germany)
Uljana Wolf (Germany)

New translations
At the end of 2011 we were able, thanks to a translation grant from the German Literature Fund, have more than 400 poems translated for lyrikline.org, of which two-thirds are translations into German and one-third translations of German poets into other languages. 
Now the second half of these new translations are online too.

Into Chinese: Volker Braun (Germany), Norbert Hummelt (Germany), Hans Manz (Switzerland), Hans Raimund (Austria), Jutta Richter (Germany), Hendrik Rost (Germany), Brigitte Struzyk (Germany), Peter Turrini (Austria), Jan Wagner (Germany)

Into German: Anna Aguilar-Amat (Catalonia, Spain), Martine Audet (Quebec), Krešimir Bagić (Croatia), Tomica Bajsić (Croatia), Benno Barnard (Belgium), Ida Börjel (Sweden), Mario Brassard (Quebec), François Charron (Quebec), Antoni Clapés (Catalonia, Spain), Dick Davis (USA), Carles Duarte (Catalonia, Spain), Miloš Đurđević (Croatia), Mária Ridzoňová Ferenčuhová (Slovakia), Bartomeu Fiol (Catalonia, Spain), Madeleine Gagnon (Quebec), Ákos Györffy (Hungary), Michal Habaj (Slovakia), Linn Hansén (Sweden), Maria Teresa Horta (Portugal), J.K. Ihalainen (Finland), Dorta Jagić (Croatia), Attila Jász (Hungary), Dragan Jovanović Danilov (Serbia), Nuno Júdice (Portugal), Miroslav Kirin (Croatia), Desanka Maksimović (Serbia), Branko Maleš (Croatia), Sonja Manojlović (Croatia), Antoni Marí (Catalonia, Spain), Bart Meuleman (Belgium), Miroslav Mićanović (Croatia), Fredrik Nyberg (Sweden), Hugues C. Pernath (Belgium), Malte Persson (Sweden), Jaume Pont (Catalonia, Spain), Vasko Popa (Serbia), Jean-François Poupart (Quebec), Ivica Prtenjača (Croatia), Dušan Radović (Serbia), Albert Roig (Catalonia, Spain), Màrius Sampere (Catalonia, Spain), Alfred Schaffer (Netherlands), Robert B. Shaw (USA), Marie Silkeberg (Sweden), Armando Silva Carvalho (Portugal), Enric Sòria (Catalonia, Spain), Lucienne Stassaert (Belgium), Timothy Steele (USA), Jaume Subirana (Catalonia, Spain), Saila Susiluoto (Finland), Johanna Venho (Finland), Antoni Vidal Ferrando (Catalonia, Spain)

Into English: Paulus Böhmer (Germany), Carles Duarte (Catalonia, Spain), Sylvia Geist (Germany), Wolfgang Hilbig (Germany), Johannes Jansen (Germany), Wulf Kirsten (Germany), Michael Krüger (Germany), Thomas Kunst (Germany), Hans Manz (Switzerland), Brigitte Oleschinski (Germany), Michael Roes (Germany), Hendrik Rost (Germany), Andre Rudolph (Germany), Màrius Sampere (Catalonia, Spain), Sabine Scho (Germany), Enric Sòria (Catalonia, Spain), Brigitte Struzyk (Germany), Peter Turrini (Austria)

Into French: Carles Duarte (Catalonia, Spain), Sylvia Geist (Germany), Linn Hansén (Sweden), Dagmar Leupold (Germany), Marion Poschmann (Germany), Jan Volker Röhnert (Germany), Tom Schulz (Germany), Enric Sòria (Catalonia, Spain), Uljana Wolf (Germany)

Into Croatian: Dagmar Leupold (Germany)
Into Czech: Mario Wirz (Germany)
Into Hebrew: Carles Duarte (Catalonia, Spain)
Into Icelandic: Carles Duarte (Catalonia, Spain)
Into Italian: Carles Duarte (Catalonia, Spain), Màrius Sampere (Catalonia, Spain)
Into Macedonian: Tomas Tranströmer (Sweden)
Into Portuguese: Carles Duarte (Catalonia, Spain)
Into Romanian: Mario Wirz (Germany)
Into Swedish: Valzhyna Mort (Belarus/USA), Les Murray (Australia)

Into Spanish: Carles Duarte (Catalonia, Spain), Kerstin Hensel (Germany), Màrius Sampere (Catalonia, Spain), Ulrike Almut Sandig (Germany), Tom Schulz (Germany), Lutz Seiler (Germany), Enric Sòria (Catalonia, Spain), Ron Winkler (Germany)