2 free bennett books

John M. Bennett, *DOG FONT*, White Sky Books
available in various free download formats: PDF, Kindle, etc. atA

“reminds of bits of meat on a skewer for chewing, tasting, and digesting. a
dog’s paradise of food for thought, it could be said. Bennett at his best
is here in this ebook” – Peter Ganick

John M. Bennett, *SOLE DADAS & PRIME SWAY*: Transductions of Luis de
Góngora’s Soledades & Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’ Primero Sueño,
Cumshot/Luna Bisonte Prods
Available as a free PDF at:

Bennett is obviously at home with both Siglo de Oro literature and its
linguistic excesses, as he is with contemporary avant garde literature with
its multidirected experiments to both destroy language and to re-create it.
In short, this intricate and faithful-to-the-original (homophonically
speaking) “translation” will surely find its place among the major
experiments in contemporary poetry. -Ivan Argüelles

Bennett’s transduction of Sor Juana’s Primero Sueño was written, he has
said, by “pretending I don’t know Spanish and writing it out (reading it)
as if it were English.” This process arises from “an interest or attention
paid to speech and hand writing as ‘texts’ full of meanings that have
nothing to do with linguistics. I often read, or try to read, printed texts
that way, too.” …. John Bennett’s project is as significant as any we
will find in current poetical practice. – Jim Leftwich

*SOLE DADAS & PRIME SWAY* is also available as an illustrated printed book