Archivi tag: Donamayoora

palermo, 7 ottobre: scrittura asemica al museo del disegno, a cura di nicolò d’alessandro ed enzo patti

Sabato 7 ottobre anche il MUSEO DEL DISEGNO di Palermo aderisce alla diciannovesima Giornata del Contemporaneo, con la mostra: A QUALCUNO PIACE ASEMIC (a cura di Nicolò D’Alessandro e Enzo Patti) degli artisti asemici: Andrea Astolfi (ITALIA), Antonio Francesco Perozzi (ITALIA), Carmen Racovitza (ROMANIA), Cristiano Caggiula (ITALIA), Donamayoora (INDIA- USA), Enzo Patti (ITALIA), Francesco Aprile (ITALIA), Franco Panella (ITALIA), Giancarlo Pavanello (ITALIA), Karri Kokko (FINLANDIA), May Bery (CANADA), Marco Giovenale (ITALIA), Mariangela Guatteri (ITALIA), Michael Jacobson (USA) , Morten Søndergaard (ITALIA), Nicolò D’Alessandro (ITALIA), Rosaire Appel (USA), Svetlana Rabey (USA), Tom Gal (ISRAELE), Tomaso Binga (ITALIA).

All’inaugurazione Suoni su HANDPAN di Gaetano Rappo e le poesie asemiche lette in chiave corporea e ritmica da Emanuela Davì.
Il Museo del disegno è a Palermo in via Mogia 8.
Inaugurazione della mostra il 7 ottobre, ore 18:30.

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Una presentazione del museo:

visual poetry on the page: from jan. 8th online

Visual Poetry on the Page: With, Within, and Without the Word, An Exhibit at MainSite Contemporary Art Gallery
Virtual opening: Friday, January 8 at 6:00 p.m. CST
Open to in-person viewing at MainSite Contemporary Art Gallery beginning on Wednesday, January 13 and continuing through Saturday, February 13, 2021.
Hours: 10am-4pm Wednesday through Saturday

A few works are already up on MainSite’s online gallery:

Visual Poetry on the Page: With, Within, and Without the Word explores a movement that asks viewers to read the works as visual art. Unlike concrete, written poems, a visual poem “typically includes many other elements than alphabetic text,” including any number of mediums or artist manipulation, including painting, photos, digital manipulation or any other means to “obliterate the boundary between visual arts and literature.” “Visual poetry is what we can see,” organizer Crag Hill said in his curator statement. “It can be what we see when we see within, behind, and beyond words, when we see through parts of words, through and with letters, parts of letters, the ineffable marks we make on and in spaces we inhabit and aspire to live with and for.” Continua a leggere