Archivi tag: Douglas Messerli

charles bernstein: “content’s dream”

A digital edition (pdf) of Content’s Dream: Essays 1975-1984, by Charles Bernstein, has just been made available by Douglas Messerli, working with Pablo Capra, for Green Integer. Sun & Moon Press published this near 500-page collection thirty-five years ago (in 1986). Northwestern republished it, but that edition is out of print. The book is on line as a pdf, for a nominal charge, which will help support this great independent press. Get it at —>–&BookID=437

cover by Susan Bee


“from the other side of the century: a new american poetry 1960-1990”, by douglas messerli

In 1960 Donald Allen published his ground-breaking anthology, The New American Poetry, which gathered some of the most important innovative poets writing since World War II, and helped Americans perceive a tradition that was different from the poetry of the 1940s and 1950s put forth by the American Academy in general, and by the New Critics in particular. The effect of this anthology has been staggering, and has helped to shape poetry since its publication. And since 1970 many readers have waited for another such anthology for the poets writing after Allen’s contribution. Many anthologies have appeared, but either they have focused on particular groups of writers or have been too unfocused aesthetically to have the impact of The New American Poetry.

Working over the past ten years, Douglas Messerli has attempted to bring together some of these same issues and concerns, reiterating them into the context of United States and Canadian poetry since Donald Allen’s collection. Like Allen, Messerli has organized his selection into somewhat arbitrary and non-rigid categories; but unlike Allen he has refused to “name” these in the concern (in the context of today’s more eclectic and socially-based gatherings) that they will be misunderstood as actual “groups” or poets driven only by particular ideas or theories.

Messerli is the editor of “Language” Poetries, published by New Directions; and Contemporary American Fiction, published by his own Sun & Moon Press. He is also the author of four books of poetry, a film for fiction in poetry, and a play.

POETS INCLUDED: Continua a leggere

Green Integer News: “Go In”

Go In” and visit our new on-line book publishing venture. Beginning in August 2011, Green Integer is publishing several new, older, and out-of-stock Sun & Moon, Green Integer, and other archived titles on line.

Most of these will appear for free through our various blogs, which can be accessed on the Green Integer Web sites through direct links. Some of these titles, new books and others, will be priced at affordably low prices for our “on net” customers.

Ordering through PayPal, customers will be provided with a PDF link within 24 hours of payment so that they can either read the books on the computer or download them to print to other media.

The first of these titles have now been posted to our On Net site on the Green Integer Web and through the various blogs devoted to specific literary genres: The PIPPoetry site (poetry), the USTheater site (theater), EXPLORINGfictions (fiction), International Cinema Review (film), and the Green Integer Blog (devoted to other cultural events).

We believe that this service will help make titles available for general readers, classroom students, and scholars.

Meanwhile, we are also trying to update our complete book list, to help with your book orders, noting when our titles are temporarily out of stock and when they become available again. I thank you for your patience while we revise these pages.

Below are some of our new On Net titles. The entire list can be seen at Green Integer On Net on the left hand-side of this page.

Douglas Messerli