Archivi tag: environmental disaster

pushing for the international criminal court to prosecute brazil’s president

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro is a one-man environmental disaster.
He’s greenlighted illegal mining and logging in Indigenous lands, sabotaged environmental laws, and now the destruction of the Amazon has risen by more than 20% in a year — a loss equivalent to 3,000 football fields per day!

He thinks he can get away with it — but there’s a way to hold him to account. A group of brave lawyers is pushing for the International Criminal Court to prosecute Bolsonaro for his alleged attacks on the Amazon and its defenders. And whether or not it happens will come down to a decision by ICC Prosecutor, Karim Khan.

He has a reputation for being tough in his pursuit of justice, but dragging Bolsonaro to court would need a new level of courage. So let’s build a massive global call from every corner of the Earth for him to act, and when this is huge, our voices will be delivered directly to the Prosecutor’s office.

Read and sign the petition:
