Archivi tag: Festival di poesia di Berlino

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10 webpages of texts in Italian translated into
GermanEnglish, Spanish, Russian


13th poesiefestival Berlin /1-9 June 2012)

13th poesiefestival berlin

Some of the most resonant voices in contemporary poetry worldwide will be coming to Berlin from 1-9 June for the 13th poesiefestival berlin organised by the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin. They include Ken Babstock (Canada), Horácio Costa (Brazil), Ngwatilo Mawiyoo (Kenya), Abdelwahab Meddeb (Tunisia/France), Michael Palmer (USA) Hama Tuma (Ethiopia), JUN Yan (China) and Fatima Naoot (Egypt).
For this year’s VERSschmuggel / ReVERSible translation workshop, poets from Brazil will be coming together with their German counterparts to translate each other. will be taking the opportunity to get some of the poets into the studio to record them for the website.
During the festival, the international partners of will be meeting. The meeting offers a forum for exchanges ideas and experiences, for discussing problems and perspectives, and for intensifying the building of networks beyond national boundaries.
For more information, go to

European Renshi at the poesiefestival berlin 2012

Together with some of its partners in the network, the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin has initiated an original European poetry project for the poesiefestival berlin from 1-9 June 2012. 28 poets from all EU member states and Croatia have been collaborating to write a renshi, a chain poem, on the situation in Europe and will be presenting it at 8 pm on 2 June 2012 in the Academy of the Arts in Berlin. Before that, at 4 pm, there will be discussions with the poets at various locations around Berlin.
As well as poems in 23 languages, translations into German and English have also been prepared of all the texts. The results, poems from 28 countries, will soon be available to listen to and read on
The following partners have collaborated on the “” project, assisting in the organisation and, not least, selecting the poet from each of their countries: Continua a leggere

poesiefestival berlin

Newsletter June/July 2011

Partners‘ meeting at the poesiefestival berlin
From 17-24 June 2011 the 12th poesiefestival berlin will be exploring landscapes of words, sounds and music. Within this framework, the international network of partners of will be coming together again on 19 June to plan future action and projects and to exchange ideas and experiences. They will include partners from Belgium, Belarus, China, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Catalonia, Croatia, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Portugal, Puebla in Mexico, Québec in Canada, Russia, Sweden, Serbia, Slovenia and others.

For the fourth time, the poesiefestival berlin is taking place in cooperation with the Academy of Arts, this year right by the Brandenburg Gate. It features international poetry stars such as Marcel Beyer (Germany), Yves Bonnefoy (France) and Billy Collins (USA), the Cuban songwriter Silvio Rodríguez, singer and violinist Iva Bittová (Czech Republic), and writer and singer-songwriter Peter Licht (Germany) and many more.
An entire day will be given over to poets who have provided the soundtrack for the revolutions in Bahrain, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Lebanon. This year’s VERSschmuggel / reVERSible translation workshop features poets from France and Germany. The e.poesie event will be creating relationships between contemporary poetry and electronic music.
The poesiefestival berlin is funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

A small treat for the festival
We are taking up the subject of the ‘Song Lyrics as Poetry’ colloquium and presenting a few singer-songwriters we think are important on the lyrikline blog.

The programme of the poesiefestival berlin:

New partners in the network
The network of partners of has expanded. We welcome our partners in Iceland, Lithuania, Russia and China
Iceland : Bókmenntasjóður – The Icelandic Literature Fund (Reykjavik)
Lithuania: Koperator – Tarptautinių kultūros programų centras – The International Cultural Programme Centre (Vilnius)
Russia: Новая литературная карта России – New Literary Map of Russia (Moskau)
China: DJS Art Foundation [private foundation to support poetry and arts] (Los Angeles)

New poets on
We are pleased to welcome six new voices from Croatia, provided to us by our Croatian partner for, the Croatian P.E.N. Centre: Tomica Bajsić, Miroslav Mićanović, Ivica Prtenjača, Krešimir Bagić, Branko Čegec and Drago Štambuk

From Portugal, the poems and voices of Maria Teresa Horta, Nuno Júdice, Maria do Rosário Pedreira, Fernando Pinto do Amaral and Armando Silva Carvalho have come to us. We would like to thank the Casa Fernando Pessoa, our partner in Portugal.

The following poets have also been added to the diversity of voices on
Bùi Chát (Vietnam)
George Christodoulides (Greece)
Marco Giovenale (Italy)
Adrian Grima (Malta)
J. K. Ihalainen (Finland)
Nora Nadjarian (Cyprus)
Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl (Iceland)
Carles Rebassa (Catalonia, Spain)
Habib Tengour (Algeria, France)
Neşe Yaşin (Cyprus)
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