Archivi tag: investigative poetry

camden art centre, london / public knowledge: ‘oei’ / october 27

Camden Art Centre / Public Knowledge: OEI / October 27 / 19:00–21:00

Thursday October 27, 19:00-21:00

Camden Art Centre
Arkwright Road
London NW3 6DG
United Kingdom

This episode of Public Knowledge will comprise of a temporary display of publications and related ephemera by Jonas (J) Magnusson and Cecilia Grönberg.

Jonas (J) Magnusson and Cecilia Grönberg are the founders of OEI, a Stockholm-based magazine for experimental forms of thinking, montages of art, poetry, theory, visual culture, and documents; critical investigations, infrastructural poetics, localities, ecologies, new epistemologies, and counter-historiographies.

To publish a magazine is not only a matter of producing a physical artefact but also of intervening in and acting for an entire ecology of publishing and engaging, where the possibilities of generative readings and encounters have to be created in new constellations and contexts. To edit is to work with what exists, but at the same time to make this into something more, a multi-temporal space, perhaps. Or, as a friend puts it: “What’s at stake with any public address is the creation of a new social space, where strangers would come together – and maybe, become friends, who knows.”

The presentation is accompanied by a talk, whereby OEI discuss the different layers in their work, from revisiting avant-garde archives to fieldworks and local-material knowledge. A layered love.

With special thanks to Paul Finn.

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