Archivi tag: Sarah Mangold

Sarah Mangold, “I Meant To Be Transparent”

“It was more like an impressionist portrait than an identification photo” writes Sarah Mangold in I Meant To Be Transparent, a book woven through the writing of early 20th century literary innovator Dorothy Richardson and the contours of contemporary poetics. Taking her title from a line in Robert Duncan’s Ground Work, Mangold’s attempted transparency slips original language between filmic jump cuts that mirror Richardson’s own prose and a near pre-raphaelite interleaving of fore and backgound — bringing the silenced, the skirted, the sidelined into view. By troubling the implications of linguistic transparency, Mangold challenges the literary portrait in a world in which “men and women are taught from the beginning to speak “his”” and likewise suspending the space before “feeling fades into thought –” In this hovering between, Mangold brings into focus the woman at the edge of the party with “Lots of big big revolution behind my eyes” and the ways in which the failure to be see-through becomes its own revelation.

New (no) business model for LRL e-editions

From CJ Martin :

The editors of LRL e-editions are thrilled to announce the launch of SIX new books! This time around, we’re changing things up a bit:

In the past, we’ve only ever charged $2-3 over cost for our print-on-demand books. We’re now ready to commit to making exactly $0 from this series: FROM NOW ON, ALL PROFITS FROM THE SALE OF PRINT-ON-DEMAND BOOKS IN THIS SERIES WILL BE DONATED TO A DIFFERENT SMALL PRESS EACH YEAR. First up: Chax Press. So, any purchase of a print-on-demand title from this series during 2011-2012 will have the added benefit of helping to support the efforts of Chax!

Over the next few weeks, we’ll launch one or two titles at a time, beginning with a book-length review of Michael Cross’s Haecceities (Cuneiform, 2010), which is now available for download/purchase.

Please stay tuned for new books from David Brazil, Sarah Mangold, Hugo García Manríquez, and Pattie McCarthy–as well as one monumental reprint from Beverly Dahlen!

Find out more on our newly redesigned e-editions site:

Sarah Mangold’s new chapbook

Textile Series #3: An Antenna Called the Body by Sarah Mangold
“Shall we set forth?” asks Sarah Man­gold in the first poem of tex­tile series chap­book #3. And set forth you shall, in this 26-page chap­book. Mangold’s quirky lyrics seek out the per­pet­ual residues/records of the body, the sound inside the mouth, the image on the eye. Don’t be with­out this beau­ti­ful chap­book, sewn with a smat­ter­ing of tex­tile rem­nants. Get your copy for only $8.

What’s next?

Currently in production, Lucky, a new chapbook by Mairéad Byrne featuring illustrations by Abigail Lingford! In August/September, we have chapbooks by Rachel DuPlessis, rob mclennan and Jimmy Lo! We will also have an open reading period this fall so keep your antenna tuned to the textile series!

About the Textile Series 
A project of little red leaves, the textile series takes the hand out of “hand-sewn chapbooks.” It’s real work in the age of mechanical reproduction. It’s the little sewing machine that could. It’s ironed and folded and sewn and pulled and the threads stick out. All textile series chapbooks are 5.5″ by 4.25″ with fabric covers scavenged from old curtains, bedsheets and other textile remnants. We  consider it a micro-revolution. A call to action against staples, tape and glue. Coming at you em-dashed, a little wrinkled, and needlessly obscure.