We haven’t had time to work on the regular BDS end-of-year fundraiser this year, as we’ve been, like many Palestinians and solidarity activists everywhere, overwhelmed with the necessary response to Israel’s ongoing #GazaGenocide.
But we know that our work and the global demand for effective, principled and strategic BDS campaigning and pressure have grown enormously. When we collectively succeed in imposing a permanent ceasefire and lifting the siege, our work will increase even more. Israel’s genocidal policies will only end once its 75-year-old regime of settler-colonialism and apartheid is dismantled. To that end, pushing for unprecedented accountability will become our top priority.
Israel’s live-streamed genocide is unprecedented in history. It has banned the entry of live-sustaining food, water, fuel and medical supplies to 2.3 million Palestinians in the occupied and besieged Gaza Strip. In parallel, it has deliberately destroyed hospitals, universities, schools, UN shelters, bakeries, solar panels, carpet-bombing residential neighborhoods, telecommunications facilities, water and sewage treatment infrastructure.
Based on the depraved, dehumanizing statements and revealed plans of its fascist leaders, Israel is “rolling out” a “second Nakba,” ethnically cleansing Indigenous Palestinians en masse, and as admitted by Israeli military officials, “everything is intentional.” This has prompted UN experts to warn of a “genocide in the making” and forced the timid UN Secretary General to accuse Israel of turning Gaza into a “graveyard for children” and of posing a serious threat to world peace and security.
After a critical mass of pressure ultimately stops the genocide, we shall need to escalate BDS like never before to end business-as-usual with this genocidal regime in every field, academic, cultural, sports, economic, military, financial, etc. Apartheid Israel deserves the apartheid South Africa treatment: massive boycotts, divestment and unprecedented lawful sanctions, starting with a comprehensive military embargo.
Israel’s genocide has been “in the making” for decades. In Gaza, it’s now far deadlier, more visible, and indeed televised. The Palestinian leadership of the global BDS movement promises our people in Gaza, across historic Palestine, and in exile that we shall not rest until we’ve built the necessary people’s power to dismantle Israel’s regime of settler-colonial apartheid, the root cause of this oppression and unspeakable violence.