Archivi giornalieri: 20 Marzo 2010

operational status

only by means of past _ then start fully applying _ true democracy _ for the north polar hole _ at || electric generator: or expected or ||
gold as soul
|| it was part of the american secret, or ||
|| the sri lanka series ||
sri laser beam weapons occurred in the astral plane _ what can we do
______________ a god of prune juice
for more peace talks, sub atomic magnitudes _____________________ hypnotic regression _____ try state karma patrol boot
________ try dream actions ::::::::: under mind control from
___________ bakerpoint saint math _________ wall extensions like the law of the sun ____ master god into action ___ intuitive law against the encouraged ___ material projectile__________ is this law of your sun _________ positive density ______ let the bricks incarnate __________ duffyduck emotions of quasars __________ from their duty their rimbaud ______ how simple is human life __________________ this proves that material aggregates are looking for longer touching the physical universe _________ warehouse cables in the fourth day _____________ exploding galaxies are limiting harmonics ____________ they are called pseudo science electro gravitic cans __________________ daddam kussein was a kind of hyper dimensional energy device __________ food from the stars ____________ termination of black holes _____________ hypnotic regression ____ do the same ____ to metal capacitor plates _