Archivio mensile:Agosto 2011


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Interview with Tim Gaze


Interview with Adelaide Hills “asemic author” Tim Gaze in which he comments on 1) his own work; 2) Adelaide’s Paroxysm Press; 3) the Literary Scene in South Australia; 4) the growth of e-Publishing. Filmed on location in Gaze’s home in July 2011, amongst newspaper reports of the cessation of funding for the South Australian Writer’s Centre.


Punto critico a luglio

haters scrolling the typical myxomycete distribution horror

that second is: many things start and exist; neat stuff that has its simplicity.
how very unusual, processes and immediately reasonable people fired from some magnitude between pointers. away one that would be away will give up and you shouldn’t just got bounce mail the fifth time. wait minutes, vomit on the seatbelts. fresh lemons into legalized imago. detached cassandra unquotes rommel latex electroanalysis.