new ebook: james shivers’ essay on the work of charles bernstein

new ebook:
James Shivers, Charles Bernstein / American Innovator –– More Numerous of: A Kinetic Approach. This is the first publication of Shivers’ 2001 dissertation, with a new introduction by the author and a foreword by Richard Deming.

Open access PDF:

from Richard Deming’s Foreword:
In many ways, James Shivers’s More Numerous of: A Kinetic Approach is an important contribution not simply because it is the most comprehensive engagement of Bernstein’s work that exists so far, but because Shivers is so resolutely interested in the pedagogical himself. … Shivers does not simply end at determining the work is difficult, complex. He asks instead what we can make out of that complexity, what we can take from a text that resists us.