A note by Carmen Racovitza

a gunless tea…

dissidenze…mainframe of situationist transgressions from absolute poetry to relative prose…
una parole plurale, marco…the brave is object.nonsubject [of +(f)]….
marco in a writing lab, revitalizing the necrotizzandola language…punctuation rear engine
in a poliscritture that creates a unita di crisi diversi…..crises …..
a confrontation with the absence of things utterable, with dissolution of objects readable, with loss of spoken layers… marco vocabulary as an installative , productive, objective, democratic, free structure….
a confrontation with the wundercatalogue of diagram letters, design words, witness installations, sign operations…the center is held by maddening cracks….the witness and the images become languages, says marco….the connections come and go floating as biunivoche correspondences (you’ve got a bad fever, said the fever) , sweet isomorfismi/criptomorfismi carry out operations on signs…plants and flowers deliver food, moral canned flesh, repeat at will, a growing zen effect ]]]….
nervous nervous minimalism …..poetry show…..installation concept….. nervous nervous minimalism…..poetry show….installation concept…..ervousnconcpet…isntllatiaon hsow…..


Carmen Racovitza, fluxishare