Archivi tag: Joe Ross

for the launch of “the l=a=n=g=u=a=g=e book” in a french translation

For the launch of the The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book in a French translation by Amélie Ducroux, the publisher, Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre (PURH) has orgnizaed an events in Paris and the Université de Rouen.

Review of L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, le livre  by Emmanuel Laugier in Matricule des Anges (Dec. 2021) #228: pdf

Paris: Weds., March 23, 7:30pm (19h30) 
POETES AMERICAINS de la mouvance l=a=n=g=u=a=g=e

at « l’ours et la vieille grille », 9 rue Larrey, Paris 75005, métro Monge ou Censier-Daubenton
Featuring Susan Bee, Amélie Ducroux, Sally Silvers, Bruce Andrews, Charles Bernstein and Christophe Lamiot Enos (invited by Paul de Brancion). Mostly bilingual.

Paris: Fri., March 25, 7:30pm (19h30), doors open 19h.
at the Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore, 11 Rue de Médicis, 75006
Andrews and Bernstein, with Lamiot Enos: English only

Rouen: Poésie, (é)motions: March 21, 2022
Université de Rouen, Mont-Saint-Aignan, Salle des Conférences / Maison de l’Université
Anne-Laure Tissut et Christophe Lamiot Enos (ERIAC)
9h30 : Ouverture de la journée : Anne-Lise Worms (Vice-Présidente du Conseil Académique), François Bessire (ancien Directeur des Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre)
I9h45-10h: Introduction —  Christophe Lamiot Enos (ERIAC, Université de Rouen)
10h-10h30 : lectures—Bruce Andrews
10h30-11h : table ronde, avec Bruce Andrews, Susan Bee, Charles Bernstein, Amélie Ducroux, Isabelle Garron, Sally Silvers, modérateurs Christophe Lamiot Enos et Anne-Laure Tissut, la revue L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E à la fin du XXème siècle (émergence, ambitions, réceptions, représentations), aux USA, en poésie et ailleurs
1h00-11h30 : discussion et pause café
11h30-12h : intervention—Susan Bee
12h-14h30 : discussion et pause déjeuner
14h30-15h30 : interventions—Sally Silvers, Charles Bernstein
16h-17h : table ronde, tous les participants, avec plus particulièrement Isabelle Garron, modérateurs Christophe Lamiot Enos et Anne-Laure Tissut, la revue L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E aujourd’hui, aux USA, en France, en poésie et ailleurs : enseignements, embranchements, jeunes pousses, avenirs, au regard du Nouveau monde, anthologie des poésies en France de 1960 à 2010.

L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, le livre is part of the TO series, edited by Lamiot. This series includes blingual collections, not otherwise published in English, by Hank Lazer, Norman Fischer, ALice Notley, Roger Kamenetz, Joe Ross, Laynie Brown, Lee Ann Brown, and others, as well as manifestoes by Lamiot.

& just before the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book launch

Charles Bernstein (with Martin Richet)
at Le Centre international de poésie Marseille
6:30pm (18h30), Thurs., March 17, 2022 (bilingual)
and earlier that day Susan Bee and Bernstein: worskhop on collaboration

“wordlick” / Joe Ross

In a set form of three stanzas of five lines each per page, Ross has created in his 12th book of a poetry a dynamic interchange with words themselves. Perhaps never since the great Bard of Avon has a poet in English employed such a large number of word combinations as Ross has in wordlick, encouraging the reader literally to pucker his lips and read across each line as if he had unknowingly entered some literary marathon. The good reader obviously will become, at times, winded:

Speechouting legpull gripe on sleepmaven torn
Rosepushing soilworth of Yalta spread

But by race’s end, despite all the political and social upheaval he has explored, the reader will find himself – even after doubling back to explore the truth of each phrase and glimpsing that truth in the mirror of one’s own being – taking flight on “musicwing,” the last word of this work.

Like many of his previous books, all of which have received considerable attention by both international poetry communities and critics, Ross takes his readers on a voyage through meaning, and in this work it is a jargon-spouting, ad-lingo, legalistic-nonsense, neopolitical doublespeak that we must face to get to any truth. The amazing thing is that the poet not only finishes the race but restores the world to all its wonder.