Archivi tag: Simona Ferrari

today and tomorrow: two events @ the summer school of the swiss institute in rome

Summer School at the Swiss Institute in Rome is taking place.
Here are two public events.

Monday, 5.7.2021, h. 15:30 – 17:45
Rules – Transitions from obvious to unobvious nonsense

A Conversation – Una conversazione (in Italiano), with:

Giuseppe di Giacomo – Università La Sapienza, con Nils Röller

Simona Ferrari – Zurich University of the Arts (MFA),  ludwig’sfloor, 2020 video projection (5 min. loop)

This event is public via Zoom:


Tuesday, 6.7. 2021, h. 16:00 – 20:00
From semic to asemic: Writing-Artists-Books

h. 16:00-16:15 – Welcome Adrian Brändli – Nils Röller

h. 16:15-16:30 – Giulio Marzaioli – Benway Series (Opening a translated book)

h. 16:30-17:00 – Presentation of books of the participants

h. 17:30-18:00 – Sara Davidovics– Rome (Azimut.  Libro di vetro e performance)

h. 18:15-18:30 Nils Röller – Zurich University of the Arts (Mundunculum -Dieter Roth’s book)

h. 18:30-19:15 – Marco Giovenale – Rome (Asemic Writing)

h. 19:15-20:00 Apero / Ricevimento / Books from the MFA/ZHdK

This event is public at the Istituto Svizzero and via Zoom:

(to attend in presence, please confirm your intention here)


Istituto Svizzero – ROME, Villa Maraini
Via Ludovisi 48 – 00187 Roma
(Entrance in Via Liguria 20)
