Archivio mensile:Ottobre 2012

three new texts by peter ganick

an exposition of a moment in existence’s unfolding, the extension of that moment, and the extension of the before-the-moment that went into the original moment.

as a continuation of the work started in ‘text’ by peter ganick, these are rooted in an exploration of the possibilities of sifted/shifted language.

with or without the syntactic illusion, these are vital and a new exposition of what’s possible with connected/disconnected language.

how can all these bases be covered without jargon? the language goes before and after the reader. onward to the reading. visit the links to sample these vital books.

original cover artwork  by ganick completes these innovative texts, almost artist-books in their uniqueness.

Noel Canlas says of his writing:

With Peter Ganick, we have no big alibi for the massive concatenation of lexical items. These super-free elements comprise a rain of lexicon in zero structure. Voiceless, subject-less, object-less, they populate the page without any restraint, without telos. It is as if language flowed out in all direction, becoming the true free flowing stream of language, unburdened by thought or by the unconscious, anchored nowhere, just moving stylelessly, with no external or internal intervention to coax them into a form, an argument, a point, a theme, a voice, a view, an order. It is a language freed of all its expressive, epistemic and stylistic burdens.

a moment

extension of a moment

extension’s pre-extension’s moment


by & about bruce andrews

source: [note: the date will be postponed]

Andrews Symposium and Reading at Fordham

South Lounge, Lincoln Center Campus
113 W. 60th Street
New York, NY  10023
Charles Bernstein (moderator), Michael Golston, Laura Hinton, Peter Nicholls, Bob Perelman, and Paul Stephens.
After the 90-minute panel and a short reception, Andrews will read from his work.

The Fordham Web page includes new web version of work

Andrews, including  these new on-line items:

L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E”: forthcoming in The Little Magazine in America    
Reader Repo,” Talk from Rethinking Poetics Conference, pp 94-97     +       Talk PDF
Q & A, after U.C. Berkeley Reading, at 1 hr. 16’
Meaning, Method, Motive: Empire & so-called Language Writing”   +     Talk in Convolutions  
Reading Lines Linear How to Mean” in A Broken Thing: Poets on the Line
Hearing Ends in Darkness” (essay as liner notes for Jarrod Fowler’s 2008 album, “‘Percussion’ as Percussion”)
Constructivism Mystery” in Vertov from Z to A, ed. Ahwesh & Sanborn  
What’s the Word” for Zukofsky Conference
Reading Notes
Brechtian V-Effect Updated: Implications for Poetic Praxis”