a poem by Charles Bernstein (in The Brooklyn Rail, April, 2022) here:
a prose piece by MG in the same issue of TBR, together with poems by several authors:
editor Luigi Ballerini wrote an introduction (https://brooklynrail.org/2022/04/editorsmessage/RADICAL-POETS-OF-DIFFERENT-FEATHERS) to the “gathering of American and Italian poets, scheduled to take place at the Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò of New York University and at the Italian Cultural Institute of New York on November 11, 12, and 13” (see the images).

All the texts in the issue of TBR:
from Floodgate of Wind
By Antonella Anedda Translated from the Italian by Eleonora Buonocore
From Scraps
By Mariano Bàino Translated from the Italian by Luigi Bonaffini
The Trip
By Mary Jo Bang
By Charles Bernstein
By Anselm Berrigan
Nest, Hospice, Prison Camp
By Susan Briante
(°) – seed
By Maria Grazia Calandrone Translated from the Italian by Nicholas Benson
from Every Five Strokes
By Vincenzo Frungillo Translated from the Italian by Christina Vani
from Excesses (on a little flight)
By Marco Giovenale Translated from the Italian by V. Joshua Adams
By Peter Gizzi
Gap and Erasure
By John Latta
Dreamlike (Homo Bulla)
By Laura Liberale Translated from the Italian by Murtha Baca and Federica Santini
Porta Westfalica
By Valerio Magrelli Translated from the Italian by Jamie McKendrick
from Acavity of an Odyssey (Unfinished Mandala)
By Ivan Schiavone Translated from the Italian by Alessandro Giammei
By Rosmarie Waldrop