Archivi tag: 2012

jim leftwich @ differxhost “box”


differx and differxhost [see here and here] host right now the books 01-… (from year 2011 on) of “Six Months Aint No Sentence”, texts and works by Jim Leftwich [+ a file by John M. Bennett, re-working on J.L.’s texts]

All the pdf files are freely downloadable here.

(CC) Jim Leftwich, 2011-…

announcement here too:


su gammm da gennaio

– guy-ernest debordebook: urla in favore di sade. 1952 [05-01-2012 .fr / .it]

– gilles furtwänglerdoor to beach at 50 m. 2011 [16-02-2012 .fr / .it]

– juan alemán hernandez. bajar una escalera. 2011 [26-01-2012]

– fabio lapianagramma 1. 2011 [19-01-2012]

– walter marchettizimmerfrei / songs for john cage. 2010 [23-02-2012 .it]

– michele carlo mariil debito. 2011 [12-01-2012 .it]

– elio pagliarani. da la sintassi e i generi. 1959 [13-03-2012 .it]

– giuseppe pariniappunti per il «vespro» e la «notte» [18-03-2012 .it]

– nicola ponziomonocromi (una storia del bianco). 2011 [02-02-2012 .it]

– aldo tambelliniblack tv. 1968 [13-02-2012]


…and more:

philippe parreno [09-02-2012], patrick playter hartigan: opeb [01-03-2012], massimo sannelli [08-03-2012]