Archivi tag: art exhibition

first international colloquium of visual poetry: research and creation (8-12 nov, 2021)

thanks to the staff and editorial board of the First International Colloquium of Visual Poetry, for the lectures and dialogues, the videos and the online art exhibit.

and… thanks for hosting one piece by me in the exhibit (here and below)

here is the address of all the videos up to now:

the site:

here’s my work:



october 15, ostia: “yes” – the art exhibit

YES is the result of a GAP project that uses this online platform to document a series of projects from which exhibitions often arise such as the Frag Exchange Project or the no / MIND Project.

YES is also the title of an exhibition of solo and collaborative works at ARTHEKA 32 – in Ostia, a district in Rome, Italy, October 15-20 curated by GAP Founder Carl Heyward at the invitation of member artist Marino Rossetti.


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