Archivi tag: Eclipse

robert grenier: “sentences” (1978)

Robert Grenier. Sentences.
Years after its publication of the original edition of 500 boxed 5″ x 8″ index cards, Whale Cloth Press has made available a web-based version of this important work.
[Notes] [Images of the original box]


From the Eclipse Archive:

Sentences Toward Birds (1975)
Robert Grenier

Sentences Toward Birds was published in 1975 by Curtis Faville’s L Publications in a small edition (under one-hundred). The cards are housed in a manila envelope and sealed with a red sticker. Faville’s cover design, based on a vintage postcard, gives a nod to the jacket design of Grenier’s Dusk Road Games: Poems 1960-1966 (Cambridge: Pym Randall, 1967), and the format of the unbound cards anticipates the monumental Sentences (Cambridge: Whale Cloth, 1978) in which some of the poems reappear. The envelope and title page state the title differently.

The order displayed @ Eclipse is aleatory; the cards were intended to be read in any sequence.


Outside the Box: A Discussion of Robert Grenier’s Sentences.
Hosted by Al Filreis and featuring poets Bob Perelman, Jena Osman, and Joseph Yearous-Algozin.


epc digital library

da Charles Bernstein

EPC Digital Library
now integrates archives from Eclipse & Jacket 2 Reissues along with its extensive collection of books and periodicals from EPC’s own collection.
as always, free for noncommercial use.
