Archivi tag: Craig Dworkin

2021: experimental writing: linear texts, vispo, abstract stuff, independent editions and mags, asemic writing etc

experimental writing, art etc.: linear texts, vispo, abstract stuff, independent editions and mags, asemic writing etc, a one-morning exhibit and talk @ Istituto Svizzero in Rome, Jul. 7th, 2021. thanks to Professor Nils Röller and the artists and students at the Institute.
with works and editions from my collections. plus a wide selection of works from Benway Series.

images here:
& here:

foto dal workshop del 7 luglio 2021, all’istituto svizzero di roma





craig dworkin: radium of the word

With fresh insight and contemporary relevance, Radium of the Word argues that a study of the form of language yields meanings otherwise inaccessible through ordinary reading strategies. Attending to the forms of words rather than to their denotations, Craig Dworkin traces hidden networks across the surface of texts, examining how typography, and even individual letters and marks of punctuation, can reveal patterns that are significant without being symbolic—fully meaningful without communicating any preordained message.

Radium of the Word takes its title from Mina Loy’s poem for Gertrude Stein, which hails her as the Madame “Curie / of the laboratory / of vocabulary.” In this spirit, Dworkin considers prose as a dynamic literary form, characterized by experimentation. Dworkin draws on examples from writers as diverse as Lyn Hejinian, William Faulkner, and Joseph Roth. He takes up the status of the proper name in Modernism, with examples from Stein, Loy, and Guillaume Apollinaire, and he offers in-depth analyses of individual authors from the counter-canon of the avant-garde, including P. Inman, Russell Atkins, N. H. Pritchard, and Andy Warhol. The result is an inspiring intervention in contemporary poetics.

andrea pitozzi, “conceptual writing”, il verri, 2018

Reframing, Uncreativity, Unoriginality sono alcune delle modalità compositive che caratterizzano la conceptual writing, un movimento di poeti, artisti e scrittori sperimentali attivi in particolare nel mondo anglosassone, e in grado di dialogare con sistemi solo apparentemente lontani da quello più strettamente letterario.
Anziché proporre delle definizioni, questo libro segue l’andamento dei fenomeni associati alla scrittura concettuale contemporanea e alle sue interazioni con altri modelli espressivi: dai debiti verso le sperimentazioni della scrittura di ricerca e della poesia concreta fino alle relazioni con l’arte concettuale della seconda metà del Novecento.
Cinque conversazioni con alcuni tra i principali protagonisti e teorici della conceptual writing, Kenneth Goldsmith, Craig Dworkin, Nick Thurston, Christian Bök, Derek Beaulieu chiudono il volume affrontando la sfida lanciata dalle diverse logiche che regolano il sistema di testualità diffuso oggi attraverso i social networks e dalle nuove forme mediali.

10 giugno, milano, mudima: conceptual writing

Reframing, Uncreativity, Unoriginality sono alcune delle modalità compositive che caratterizzano la conceptual writing, un movimento letterario sperimentale ancora in formazione, attivo principalmente nel mondo anglosassone, e in grado di dialogare con sistemi solo apparentemente lontani da quello più strettamente letterario.
Anziché proporre delle definizioni, questo libro segue l’andamento dei fenomeni associati alla scrittura concettuale contemporanea e alle sue interazioni con altri modelli espressivi: dai debiti verso le sperimentazioni della scrittura di ricerca e della poesia concreta fino alle relazioni con l’arte concettuale della seconda metà del Novecento.
Cinque conversazioni con i principali protagonisti della conceptual writing, Kenneth Goldsmith, Craig Dworkin, Nick Thurston, Christian Bök, Derek Beaulieu chiudono il volume affrontando la sfida lanciata dalle diverse logiche che regolano il sistema di testualità diffuso oggi attraverso i social networks e forme mediali più o meno innovative.


messaggi ai poeti (#03)

vediamo se riesco a spiegarmi:

Against Expression

an Anthology of Conceptual Writing
Craig Dworkin
Kenneth Goldsmith

In much the same way that photography forced painting to move in new directions, the advent of the World Wide Web, with its proliferation of easily transferable and manipulated text, forces us to think about writing, creativity, and the materiality of language in new ways. In Against Expression, editors Craig Dworkin and Kenneth Goldsmith present the most innovative works responding to the challenges posed by these developments. Charles Bernstein has described conceptual poetry as “poetry pregnant with thought.” Against Expression, the premier anthology of conceptual writing, presents work that is by turns thoughtful, funny, provocative, and disturbing. Dworkin and Goldsmith, two of the leading spokespersons and practitioners of conceptual writing, chart the trajectory of the conceptual aesthetic from early precursors including Samuel Beckett and Marcel Duchamp to the most prominent of today’s writers. Nearly all of the major avant-garde groups of the past century are represented here, including Dada, OuLiPo, L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, and Flarf to name just a few, but all the writers are united in their imaginative appropriation of found and generated texts and their exploration of nonexpressive language. Against Expression is a timely collection and an invaluable resource for readers and writers alike.