Archivi tag: OEI editör

2021: experimental writing: linear texts, vispo, abstract stuff, independent editions and mags, asemic writing etc

experimental writing, art etc.: linear texts, vispo, abstract stuff, independent editions and mags, asemic writing etc, a one-morning exhibit and talk @ Istituto Svizzero in Rome, Jul. 7th, 2021. thanks to Professor Nils Röller and the artists and students at the Institute.
with works and editions from my collections. plus a wide selection of works from Benway Series.

images here:
& here:

lytle shaw, jonas (j) magnusson & cecilia grönberg on fieldworks, locality, and alternative histories

Wednesday 17/11 Gothenburg

Lytle Shaw, Jonas (J) Magnusson & Cecilia Grönberg on fieldworks, locality, and alternative histories

New York based writer Lytle Shaw will talk about his recent book New Grounds for Dutch Landscape (OEI editör, 2021), where he uses an experimental, site-specific method to demonstrate how 17th century Dutch painters did not so much represent the newly made landscape of Holland as reenact, through the materials and techniques used in their paintings, its reclamation and the ongoing threats to its stability: from flooding to erosion.

Jonas (J) Magnusson & Cecilia Grönberg will discuss entanglements of fieldwork, editing, and local materialities, based on their work ”reading | locality (mountains, prints) [strata from an expanded book; billingen, kinnekulle (2001-2021)]” currently on display at Göteborg Konsthall as part of Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art.

The evening is moderated by Lisa Rosendahl, Curator of Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art 2021 and Associate Professor of Exhibition Studies at The Academy of Fine Art in Oslo.

Wednesday November 17
Göteborgs konsthall
18.00 – 20.00

The event takes place at Göteborgs konsthall and streams live online on Göteborg konsthall’s instagram and on zoom

“lettrist corpus: the complete magazines (1946–2016)” (oei) – lancement @ librairie lecointre drouet (paris)

Sandro Ricaldone

Frédéric Acquaviva (editor)
Lettrist Corpus
The Complete Magazines (1946–2016)
OEI #92-93
512 pages, 2021

site web : OEI editör

La totalité des 119 revues lettristes depuis 1946 (environ 1200 numéros décrits) avec toutes les couvertures reproduites et le sommaire de tous les textes, ainsi qu’une sélection de planches hypergraphiques issues de ces revues.

Didier Lecointre et Dominique Drouet
9 rue de Tournon, 75006 Paris
Tél. 00 33 (0)1 43 26 02 92
e-mail :
Ouvert du mardi au vendredi de 10 h à 18 h 30,
samedi de 10 h à 18 h et sur rendez-vous.
Fermé en août.

foto dal workshop del 7 luglio 2021, all’istituto svizzero di roma



