One of my favourite authors, James Knight,
has published a post (newsletter) about his 2023.
Just read it here:
One of my favourite authors, James Knight,
has published a post (newsletter) about his 2023.
Just read it here:
The 18th Issue of Buzdokuz Poetry Theory Criticism Magazine is Out Now.
Buzdokuz, which has prepared product-based issues for experimental art/poetry in addition to theoretical files, focused on “asemic”, “glitch”, “language-based art”, and this time on Found Poetry.
Buzdokuz opens with Burak Ş. Çelik‘s introduction, who is the editor of the 18th issue of Buzdokuz.
Next comes the ESC section with examples of Found Poetry. Artists and poets who participated in our Found Poetry file with their works: James Knight + Nilgün Yılmaz + Serdar Süalp + Astra Papachristodoulou + Nur Alan + John M. Bennett + Burak Ş. Çelik + Jeff Nimp + Muhammed Yusuf Aktekin + Işık Sungurlar + Hafize Çetinkaya + Mert Özden + Ayşe Kongur + Jim Leftwich + Laura Kerr + Stathis Dimitriadis.
Rafet Arslan, Laura Kerr, Marco Giovenale, John M. Bennett, Alper Aydın and Jeff Nimp join our Found Poetry inquiry in the INSERT section with their responses. Hakan Şarkdemir discusses the theoretical and political aspects of the concept of “Found” in his article titled “Did the train run away? On Found Poetry”.
Cover by Burak Ş. Çelik.
a page from:
ToCall No.7 – is a no special issue.
Features work by Clau De La Torre, Iris Colomb, Caroline Kha, Julia Nakotte, Gregory Betts, Arnold Frothingbadger McBay, Geof Huth, Giuseppe Calandriello, Marco Giovenale, Robin Tomens, Eric Zboya, SJ Fowler, Shawn McMurtagh, James Knight, Robert R. Thurman and Susann Connolly.
The cover is a hand-carved linocut one-word poem.
Mimeo printed edition of 100 copies,
32 copies with an original printed linocut, numbered and signed.
10€/13€ (incl. postage)