Archivi tag: 2007

why doo yoo soo / differx. 2007


howdy ewsday! howdy ylmer!

both are quality candidates and quality human beings, londonborn & educated in an insane asylum doing a play about some dogs’ revolution. dogs who drink oil and cook up a scheme to drive their hated headmaster insane.

family nostalgia.

film debut at age 91 for linnieloo. bizarre. he spends time hunched over a toilet bowl learning to sing the songs of “survival guide 2005.”

but the stars fly and pass by — and he finds himself in 2006, then in 2007, then in 2008, then in 2009, then in 2010, then in 2011, then in 2012, then in 2013, then in 2014, then in 2015, then in 2016, then in 2017, then in 2018, then in 2019, then in 2020, then in 2021, then in 2022, then in 2023, then in 2024, then in 2025, then stands up yelling “akh! twenty years ago!” – oh he is angrily angrily ripping the papers.

then he throws them in the can


orphic tabs or sheets / differx. 2007-2020

One of my first flarfy & spam-derived “orphic tabs” (or “orphic sheets”) was published by the late William James Austin in 2007, in his mag “BLACKBOX”, Sept. 2007, the “summer collisions” issue.

About that issue I could only find an email in the Spidertangle newsletter, Sept. 16, 2007.
(The old link doesn’t work anymore, of course).


Other pieces appeared in Starfishpoetry, and Poetry Kessel-lo (two now offline sites).

Find others in The Flux I Share (Jan., 2008): ex now; & in SayingSomething:


Then serious asemic orphic tabs appeared in The New Postliterate (Sept., 2009):

A sheet in Italian has appeared in facebook only.

Here below are some of the pieces, and more ones (click to enlarge, read & enjoy):

mg in coupremine (2007)


mp3 del primo testo:

sequenza intera dei testi:


una lettura del 2007 a Villa Massimo


Il 14 Novembre 2007 alle ore 19 all’Accademia Tedesca di Villa Massimo, Viale di Villa Massimo 1, Roma quattro poeti italiani: Maria Grazia Calandrone, Matteo Marchesini, Marco Giovenale, Tommaso Ottonieri incontrano il poeta tedesco Ulf Stolterfoht e il poeta austriaco-britannico Peter Waterhouse.

Modera Andrea Cortellessa


qui il pdf dei testi di MG, da Criterio dei vetri Numeri primi e La casa esposta
[n.b.: gli ultimi due testi presentano, del tutto erroneamente, una formattazione ‘centrata’]

qui il pdf dei testi di tutti gli autori


I testi italiani vengono qui presentati in anteprima con traduzione tedesca a fronte di Martina Lux.