Archivi tag: Jim Leftwich

decentralized networker congress 2012

The Liminal Gallery, Community High School, Roanoke, VA USA
November 2 at 12:00pm until November 4 at 6:00pm


In Celebration of the 20th Anniversary year of the Decentralized Networker Congress,
we are organizing a series of events, exhibitions, and actions in 6 locations around the globe.
The Decentralized Networker Congress of 1992, initially conceived by Networker H.R. Fricker,
and coordinated by Peter W. Kaufman eventually involved over 500 artists from 25 countries and over 250 events.
The original text is as follows :

Decentralized World-Wide Networker Congress 1992 (NC92)



hosts _ Jim Leftwich_ Notes on the Collab fests (2008-2011)

#1: notes 1-60
[scribd id=79992856 key=key-1g9j7yhr4ydz69u5ip2q mode=list]

#2: notes 61-83
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hosts_ Jim Leftwich_ not this_ Dec. 26th, 2011

      not this

      natx challeng unkno influenc w output

      wu-a 2007 aser secru screen

      int alrea learned bluch planet

      whi kind att photograph installations

      t power twist t too

      a fath p qu mo path

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      scribb strang
      forth mains
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      ix de e binar

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      wan strictl ria thin

      focusinq ar developec 19 both

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      balancec one th doe into time

      works worb knov and kinc
      then knov fel recently

      p int doi + definitely wo ir chanx

      i kin ir laws al inc carnaval

      an officia maf p artis
      enri ra often hand
      decoupag pres nev

      expressio alreadx


2 new books by Luna Bisonte Prods


LUNA BISONTE PRODS is proud to announce 2 new publications:


By Jim Leftwich,  Márton Koppány

<http://www.lulu. com/browse/ search.php? fSearchData% 5bauthor% 5d=M%C3%A1rton+ Kopp%C3%A1ny& fSearchData% 5blang_code% 5d=all&fSort= salesRankEver_ asc&showingSubPa nels=advancedSea rchPanel_ title_creator>

Márton Koppány and Jim Leftwich’s Book of Numbers is a visual and
conceptual collaboration exploring a “vocabulary of correspondences”
between letters and numbers. The result is a sequence of words, letters,
numbers, patterns, lines, onions, leaves, cayenne peppers, and nails in
wood. It all makes sense, or makes several senses, and the pleasure is in
tracing those senses through the concepts and images they embody.

Book available at:
http://www.lulu. com/product/ paperback/ book-of-numbers/ 18645003

Download at:
https://docs. open?id=0B_ LQDMnQx57QZmYzMz FlMGItZjNjYi00Zj FmLWJiYjktMWE5ZT c3OWE4ZmMz


*By John M Bennett*

John M. Bennett’s The Gnat’s Window shows the evolution of a new form
combining the textual, the oral, the visual, and even the artifactual, as
the pieces can be seen as windows, or televisions, or computer screens. The
poems can be read left-to-right as traditional texts, or up-and-down, or
in-and-out, or in any number of other configurations, and thus have
participatory and even performative dimensions within what at first glance
seems to be a closed form. They are “dreams’ doubled crust” indeed: shaped
and emotional, conceptual and somatic, sparklingly clear, and enigmatic.

Book available at:
http://www.lulu. com/product/ paperback/ the-gnats- window/18165060

Download at:
https://docs. open?id=0B_ LQDMnQx57QNWQyZD A0ZTAtODFjOS00OD kzLThhMDUtM2EwYT UyODc1YWZm