Archivi tag: Leftwich

ologramma, di squadrito-leftwich, in versione corretta

Per un errore di caricamento, il post di “Ologramma”, testo di Tommasina Squadrito e Jim Leftwich, compariva su slowforward qualche tempo fa con un problema di impaginazione, ora risolto. Scusandomi per l’inconveniente con gli autori, invito a leggere il file corretto e ripristinato, qui: oppure qui:

six months ain’t no sentence_ by Jim Leftwich @ differxhost “BOX” (books 01-50 & more)


differx and differxhost [see here and here] host the books 01-… of “Six Months Aint No Sentence”: works by Jim Leftwich [+ a file by John M. Bennett, re-working on J.L.’s texts]

All the pdf files are freely downloadable here.

(CC) Jim Leftwich, 2011-14…


scribd | differxhost (2009-2013)

SCRIBD differx_host_ed
01__John Martone_ A Deciphering_ 2009
02__Biagio Cepollaro_ Disassembled polyptych_ 2009
03__Luca Zanini_ Frammento_ 2009
04__D.-B.Chirot_ Killer Chrome_ 2009
05__Jim Leftwich-A.Topel_ Concept_ 2009/2010
06__G.Evason__Six drawings, four paintings_2009/2010
07__Jim .Leftwich__9 texts from Six Months Aint No Sentence_2011
08__Rosaire Appel__The metabolism of rugs_2009-11
09__Peter Ganick__} Erlebnis_ 2011
10__Jim Leftwich_ Six Months Aint No Sentence (Book 3)_ 2011
11__J.Bennett – M.Stolte__2waycollabS__2011-12
12__J.Bennett – M.Stolte – C.Mehrl Bennett__3waycollabS__2011-12
13__Bill DiMichele__Dark Matter__2011
14__Sarah Edwards_ Harmon-ies(Brokehn)Cracked_ 2012
15__Peter Ganick_ CCI00000_ 2012
16__Tim Gaze_ poetry or pictures_ 2013
17__E. Samigulina – Y. Ilyushchanka_ male-female project_ 2013


six months ain’t no sentence_ by Jim Leftwich @ differxhost “BOX”


differx and differxhost [see here and here] host the books 01-… (from year 2011 on) of “Six Months Aint No Sentence”, texts and works by Jim Leftwich [+ a file by John M. Bennett, re-working on J.L.’s texts]

All the pdf files are freely downloadable here.

(CC) Jim Leftwich, 2011-14…

announcement here too:


jim leftwich @ differxhost “box”


differx and differxhost [see here and here] host right now the books 01-… (from year 2011 on) of “Six Months Aint No Sentence”, texts and works by Jim Leftwich [+ a file by John M. Bennett, re-working on J.L.’s texts]

All the pdf files are freely downloadable here.

(CC) Jim Leftwich, 2011-…

announcement here too:
