[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/29827513 w=500&h=383]
vulnerability (fragment) from wall of sound on Vimeo.
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/29827513 w=500&h=383]
vulnerability (fragment) from wall of sound on Vimeo.
AlteredScale.com 2, a mixed-media arts journal free on the Internet, is available.
Go to AlteredScale.com.
featuring: Carl Dennis, The Magnolias, Maria Damon, Jukka-Pekka Kervinen, Michael Jacobson, Michael Boughn, Stephen-Paul Martin, Mark Wallace, L’Assassins, Julia Douglass, Larissa Shmailo, Karen Garthe, Ted Pelton, Mary Kasimor, Terrence Folz etc.
Visual Representation: “Lima Lando,” abstract photo by Andrea Canter (©2012 Andrea Canter). Used by permission. See also TheAlteredScale.blogspot.com for the accompanying blog.
AngelHousePress presents the fifth anniversary issue of Experiment-O.com : http://www.experiment-o.com/.
Featuring poetry, visual poetry, visual art & prose by Rosaire Appel, Kemeny Babineau, bill dimichele, Judy Dougherty, j/j hastain, Shawn Lemay, Gustave Morin, Michele Provost, Janice Tokar & Nico Vassilakis.
celebrating risk & swimming against the mainstream
Prima mostra antologica dei programmi e dell’attività del Filmstudio dal 1967 al 2013
La mostra si terrà nella sede storica del Filmstudio in Via degli Orti d’Alibert 1/c – Roma
da Mercoledì 16 a Lunedì 28 Gennaio 2013
Mercoledì 16 Gennaio dalle ore 18.00 alle ore 21.30
Per promuovere una raccolta fondi a sostegno dell’attività della stagione in corso il Filmstudio
metterà in mostra, per la prima volta in 45 anni di attività, una vasta selezione di programmi, locandine, manifesti, libri, cataloghi, opuscoli, pieghevoli, volantini, tesserine, programmi di sala stampati dal 1967 ad oggi per informare gli spettatori e per pubblicizzare grandi e piccole rassegne, serate speciali, eventi, prime romane e nazionali, festival, tavole rotonde, incontri con gli autori Continua a leggere
glad to post this:
Further Other Book Works is thrilled to present the second in a series of broadsides engaging visual art by poets. This time around, I had the pleasure of sitting with a collage by Rachel Blau DuPlessis for a September poem. Called simply “3,” this 2010 collage is part of DuPlessis’s turn to visual art in recent years, and my response lights off from one of WCW’s late tercets in “The Descent.” It will be printed in an edition of 25 copies. You can view the broadside here.
To purchase a 13”x19” ink jet print of this broadside, signed by both Rachel & me, please click here. Proceeds will support upcoming titles from Further Other Book Works, a fine press imprint to promote writing that straddles the plastic and typographic, with a focus on experimental writing out of Texas.
For those who missed it, the first in this series was a collaboration with Norma Cole, and there are still copies available here. …
C.J. Martin
_ sommario _ Continua a leggere
Milano, 18 gennaio, h. 21
Libreria Popolare
via Tadino, 18
presentazione di
(poesie 1992-2006)
di Vincenzo Ostuni
edizioni Ponte Sisto
intervengono, con l’autore:
Gherardo Bortolotti, Alessandro Broggi, Paolo Giovannetti, Paolo Zublena