Archivi tag: documenta 15

esce ‘roots § routes’ n. 42, agosto 2023

Care.Cure.Curate: un viaggio verbale da leggere tutto d’un fiato ma anche una curva sonora non puramente melodica che raccoglie in un breve segmento un caleidoscopio di declinazioni possibili della parola cura. Una parola oggi a rischio di depotenziamento per il suo arrotondamento morbido, spesso ridotto a pratiche empatiche nell’universo delle micro-relazioni umane preferibilmente appaltate alla sfera femminile, e per la la centralità raggiunta nel periodo pandemico che l’ha resa anafora obbligata e abusata. [leggi ancora]

Care.Cure.Curate: a verbal journey to be read in one breath, but also a sound curve that is not purely melodic and that gathers in a short segment a kaleidoscope of possible declinations of the word cure. A word today at risk of depotentiation due to its soft rounding, often reduced to empathic practices in the universe of human micro-relations mainly assigned to the female sphere, and due to the centrality achieved in the pandemic period that has made it an obligatory and abused anaphora. [read more]

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documenta fifteen: “handbook”

Sandro Ricaldone

Hatje Cantz, 2022

Documenta 15 is no ordinary art exhibition. Working with the guiding concept of “lumbung,” the Indonesian collective ruangrupa―the exhibition’s curators―are less concerned with individual works than with models of collaborative practice. This guide offers insights into and orientation for the processes that evolved in the creation of the exhibition.
A comprehensive resource both for visitors of Documenta in Kassel and anyone interested in collective practices, this guide presents all the collectives and artists featured in Documenta 15 through in-depth profiles by international authors. Taking the question “what is lumbung?” as an organizing principle, the book offers an introduction to the concept and cultural background of Documenta 15, with documents and photographs tracing the collectives’ working processes. A chapter surveying the show’s locations in Kassel, as well as a large fold-out map and an introduction to the exhibition’s public program, are also included.

pasquale polidori: una lettura di documenta fifteen

da leggere e includere in qualsiasi ragionamento e dialogo in tema di arte, processualità, condivisione, …