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april 14th, free online event: a lecture by laurie anderson

grazie ad Andrea Raos per la segnalazione:

Exploring the challenges we face as artists and citizens as we reinvent our culture with ambiguity and beauty.

About this Event

Laurie Anderson presents Spending the War Without You: Virtual Backgrounds. The third in a series of six lectures, this talk will consider language, lyrics and the narrator.

About the Speakers

Presented by Laurie Anderson, one of America’s most renowned – and daring – creative pioneers. Known primarily for her multimedia presentations, she has cast herself in roles as varied as visual artist, composer, poet, photographer, filmmaker, electronics whiz, vocalist, and instrumentalist.

Introduced by Suzannah Clark, Director of the Mahindra Humanities Center and Morton B. Knafel Professor of Music at Harvard University, and Matt Saunders, Harris K. Weston Associate Professor of the Humanities in the department of Art, Film, and Visual Studies at Harvard University.

Modertated by Salman Rushdie, the author of fourteen novels, [read more here]

charles bernstein: un’intervista autobiografica




for example

these three texts:

Hannah Weiner, Weeks

Bruce Andrews, Factura

Ann Bogle, Xam
