La galleria VV8artecontemporanea e l’Archivio Storico Pari&Dispari propongono l’esposizione FLUX MOTUS L’Avanguardia nella città, a cura di Valerio Dehò. In mostra oltre 30 opere di Philip Corner, Wolf Vostell, Geoffrey Hendricks, Ben Vautier, Ben Patterson, Bob Watts, Giuseppe Chiari, Alison Knowles, Jackson Mac Low, Yoko Ono, Takako Saito, Nam June Paik, Charlotte Moorman.
Inaugurazione 13 maggio ore 18 Via dell’Aquila, 6/c, 42121 Reggio Emilia – Italy.
FLUX MOTUS, L’Avanguardia nella città 13 maggio – 30 giugno 2023. A cura di Valerio Dehò, in collaborazione con l’Archivio Storico Pari&Dispari @ VV8artecontemporanea, Via dell’Aquila, 6/c, Reggio Emilia
In mostra sono esposte edizioni di: Eric Andersen, Ay-O, Joseph Beuys, George Brecht, John Cage, Giuseppe Chiari, Philip Corner, Willem De Ridder, Jean Dupuy, Robert Filliou, Albert M. Fine, Henry Flynt, Ken Friedman, Al Hansen, Geoffrey Hendricks, Dick Higgins, Joe Jones, Allan Kaprow, Milan Knizak, Alison Knowles, Jackson Mac Low, George Maciunas, Walter Marchetti, Jonas Mekas, Larry Miller, Charlotte Moorman, Claes Oldenburg, Yoko Ono, Nam June Paik, Ben Patterson, Dieter Roth, Takako Saito, Tomas Schmit, Carolee Schneemann, Mieko Shiomi, Gianni-Emilio Simonetti, Daniel Spoerri, Ben Vautier, Wolf Vostell, Robert Watts, Emmett Williams e altri.
THE CONSULTANT Paik’s Papers 1968–1979 Curator: Kim Yoonseo Nam June Paik Art Center 10 Paiknamjune-ro, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si Gyeonggi-do October 13, 2022–March 26, 2023
Nam June Paik left behind various documents in different languages, including letters, scores, essays, proposals, and reports. One of these, a 1974 report somewhat grandly titled “MEDIA PLANNING FOR THE POST INDUSTRIAL AGE: Only 26 years left until the 21st Century,” seems more like a policy research document than an artist’s note. Instead of simply sharing bold ambitions, the report contains detailed and concrete plans for implementation. The text shares a vision akin to what has been realized today with the internet, stressing the urgency of being able to transmit ideas in real time through “electronic super highway,” just as the building of highways in the 1930s had enabled the movement of goods and the achievement of an economic revival. Emphasizing that “Mind pollution is as bad as air pollution,” Paik also urges caution in ensuring that media communications are not monopolized by technology experts or some “mysterious power complex.”
Paik actually did carry the title of “consultant.” While he was based in New York, he carried out his work with Rockefeller Foundation Art Grants in “Television/Video/Film” and for a roughly 20-year period beginning in the mid-1960s, he served in official and unofficial advisory roles, playing a leading part in emphasizing the importance of supporting medial field and proposing directions for its development. During this time, his video art and the video community were broadcast on television channels, discussed in scholarly contexts, and exhibited, collected, and proliferated by art institutions. His proposal expressed his bold ambitions of solving social problems through the medium of art, with immediate implementation plans laid out in considerable detail: digitalization to record and preserve human cultural history, video exchanges as a tool for learning and resolving our lack of understanding toward different cultures, the creation of electronic superhighways as communication systems connecting the world, and the continued pursuit of diverse representation in public broadcasting content.
As its title suggests, The Consultant: Paik’s Papers 1968–1979, a special exhibition commemorating the 90th anniversary of Paik’s birth, takes the artist’s reports as its starting point. Rather than emphasizing his individual achievements and the aesthetic context for his video art, it considers Paik as a “policymaker” based on reports that he wrote in English between 1968 and 1979: “EXPANDED EDUCATION FOR THE PAPERLESS SOCIETY” (1968), “MEDIA PLANNING FOR THE POST INDUSTRIAL AGE” (1974), and “HOW TO KEEP EXPERIMENTAL VIDEO ON PBS NATIONAL PROGRAMMING” (1979). Compared with his achievements focusing for a lifetime on the medium of video art, relatively little is known of how Paik investigated the raisons d’e^tre for social infrastructure and art and suggested new avenues for them. As it examines his work through the lens of Paik’s papers, the exhibition urges the viewer to see Paik in a new light, while showing how the realization of his artistic vision was underpinned not only by institutional support from the government, but also by collaboration with and support from private foundations, patronage funds, public schools, laboratories, broadcasters and art institutions.
The exhibition’s aims lie in taking a detour from the historic highway of regarding Paik as the “father of video art” and seeing him in a different light on a different sort of path.leaving behind the crossroads of preexisting knowledge and experience to find new opportunities for liberation. Exploring Nam June Paik as an analyst, a media consultant, and an agent of change for social infrastructure and technology during the social transitional period of the 1960s is a way of uncovering new tasks that have heretofore received little attention in studies of the artist, while also creating new points of contact with his works of electronic art. As we stand amid a different kind of digital shift and social change today, Paik’s media consulting is a work that is still in progress.
VIDEO DUET Nam June Paik e Wolf Vostell I pionieri della Video Arte a cura di Gianluca Ranzi Dep Art Out, Ceglie messapica 29-31 agosto 2022
Il 29, 30 e 31 agosto, dalle 19 alle 21, occhi puntati sui pionieri della videoarte Nam June Paik e Wolf Vostell, in dialogo, anzi, in “Video Duet”, a cura di Gianluca Ranzi.
Nato nel 1932 a Seoul e morto a Miami nel 2006, Nam June Paik è stato uno degli artisti più influenti della seconda metà del XX secolo, a partire dalle sue sperimentazioni nell’ambito del movimento Fluxus. Per “Video Duet” sarà presentato l’omaggio di Nam June Paik all’amico Joseph Beuys, un filmato manipolato elettronicamente della loro performance tenuta il 2 giugno 1984 alla Sogetsu Hall di Tokyo. Il video, presente nella videoteca della Fondazione Mudima, che nel 1990 ha ospitato la personale dell’artista coreano e nel 1994 ha curato la sua mostra all’Arengario di Milano, evidenzia l’interazione performativa tra la vocalizzazione sciamanica di Beuys e l’esecuzione di Paik al pianoforte di motivi classici e di canzoni tradizionali giapponesi. «La visualizzazione del suono, l’intermedialità e la mobilitazione fantastica del linguaggio ottenuta attraverso la tecnologia, contraddistinguono l’opera di Paik e raggiungono in questo video una particolare intensità poetica».
Rimaniamo ancora nel Fluxus con Wolf Vostell (1932-1998), che fu tra i promotori dell’Happening in Europa e, dal 1959, iniziò a realizzare opere con il coinvolgimento attivo dei media tecnologici, manipolando televisori e apparecchi audio-visivi di ogni sorta, spesso inserendoli all’interno delle sue action-dé-coll/age. Nel video di Endogene Depression, qui nella versione presentata nel 1980 all’Institute of Contemporary Art di Los Angeles, la presenza dei televisori, inglobati nel cemento, alcuni dei quali accesi e con il suono e l’immagine manipolati elettronicamente, è associata al girovagare dei tacchini, a sottolineare il contrasto tra l’artificialità della macchina e la verità del mondo naturale. «A differenza di Paik, come emerge da questo video, Wolf Vostell si preoccupa quindi di criticare gli effetti imposti dalla televisione come rituale schizofrenico e alienante».
COLLABORATIONS Mumok Vienna July 2–November 6, 2022
Departing from the focuses of the Mumok collections on the avant-garde of the 1960s and 1970s as well as conceptual and socio-analytic approaches in contemporary art, the exhibition Collaborations examines diverse strategies of collective authorship. The exhibition builds a bridge spanning from the smallest to the largest unit of togetherness: from the internal ties of the collective to a particular constellation of the connective, from the artist duo to society—and last but not least, from the love affair to the interconnectedness of life.
The exhibition investigates how artistic models of a “we” can be cultivated for life together as a society: What does collaboration mean in the twenty-first century when fundamental social structures continue to dissolve? How have artists responded to such social and political developments over the decades and what is their position today? How thin is the line between the critique and affirmation of neoliberal structures when building relationships is at risk of becoming an efficiency and profit-driven measure in the artistic realm, too? How can collectivity in thoroughly heterogeneous contexts serve as a social and artistic model of thought and action, when not by accepting the simultaneity of disparate or even contrary elements?
In times of networked connectivity, a look back into art history might advance the current discussion about collaborative action—beyond conventional, social, and national borders. As a movement that not only fundamentally revolutionized artistic production, distribution, and reception paradigms but also originated numerous strategies that represent, as it were, predigital antecedents to algorithms, interconnected networks, and associated models of communitization, the Fluxus movement founded in the 1960s forms the nucleus of the presentation. In addition to the expansion of the typologies of works, image and object traditions, and artistic and participative methods, which were formative for the neo-avant-garde of the mid-twentieth century, the emphasis is placed specifically on the will and ability of artists to go beyond their personal scope in experimental collaborations with colleagues, to allow for change along with the shift in perspective on their own practice.
Collaborations highlights key aspects of the Mumok collection by exhibiting works that operate primarily on a meta-reflexive level. What these works, which often emerged in collective processes, have in common is that they all reflect on ways of living and working together. While the curatorial approach examines artist collectives and their underlying mechanisms and logics, it also frames acting itself as a form of collectivity—a form of acting that equally acknowledges the artistic expressions of individuals as well as those of groups or other models conceived as affiliations and alliances of the participants. The utopian potential of collaborations to transcend Western patriarchal power relations and art market logics of originality and solitary authorship and thereby provoke social change seems to be unwavering.
Artists: Marina Abramović & Ulay, Ant Farm, Art & Language, Martin Beck, Bernadette Corporation, Anna & Bernhard Blume, George Brecht, Günter Brus, John Cage, Merce Cunningham, Chto Delat, Leidy Churchman, Clegg & Guttmann, Phil Collins, Bruce Conner, DIE DAMEN, Jean Dupuy, VALIE EXPORT, Peter Faecke and Wolf Vostell, Robert Filliou, Rimma Gerlovina & Valeriy Gerlovin, Gilbert & George, Manfred Grübl, Andreas Gursky, Richard Hamilton and Dieter Roth, Haus-Rucker-Co., Christine & Irene Hohenbüchler, IRWIN, Ray Johnson and Berty Skuber, On Kawara, Friedrich Kiesler, Alison Knowles, Brigitte Kowanz and Franz Graf, Louise Lawler, Lucy R. Lippard, Sharon Lockhart, George Maciunas, Larry Miller, Ree Morton, Otto Muehl, museum in progress, Moriz Nähr, Natalia L.L., Otto Neurath, Yoko Ono, Nam June Paik, Stephen Prina, Jörg Schlick, Hubert Schmalix, Secession, Seth Siegelaub, Christian Skrein, Daniel Spoerri, Petr Štembera and Tom Marioni, Thomas Struth, Timm Ulrichs, VBKÖ, Kerstin von Gabain and Nino Sakandelidze, Franz Erhard Walther, Robert Watts, Franz West, Wiener Gruppe, Oswald Wiener, Heimo Zobernig and others; with the video series lumbung calling from documenta fifteen, curated by ruangrupa.
Curated by Heike Eipeldauer and Franz Thalmair. Exhibition design by Anetta Mona Chişa & Lucia Tkáčová
Immagine tratta dall’opera “ritratto di George Maciunas” di Ben Patterson 1989
13 maggio – 7 giugno 2022 Vernissage 13 maggio, ore 19:30 FrameArsArtes – Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 525 – Napoli
In occasione del ’60 anniversario della nascita di Fluxus, FrameArsArtes e Pari&Dispari- Archivio propongono la mostra FLUXUS – ARTE TOTALE.
Il movimento internazionale Fluxus, promosso da George Maciunas, nasce 60 anni fa con il Fluxus Internationale Festspiele Neuester Musik di Wiesbaden del 1962, rivoluzionando il linguaggio dell’arte e fondendo le istanze rinnovatrici culturali, sociali e politiche in un unico fronte d’azione. Fluxus, fortemente influenzato da Marcel Duchamp e dalle idee di John Cage sulla sperimentazione, perviene all’ARTE TOTALE, idea fondamentale per tutta l’arte contemporanea, con la contaminazione della pratica estetica, unendo diversi media e diverse discipline artistiche, performance, musica sperimentale/rumorismo pittura, fotografia, letteratura, teatro, danza.
Gli artisti di tale movimento, abbandonando ogni concezione specialistica e ogni divisione tra le ideologie e le competenze, esprimono la casualità e la quotidianità delle cose: non si basano sullo studio di oggetti privilegiati ma rappresentano l’arte attraverso un concetto ludico, non basato su valori estetici, per concentrarsi su humor e non-sense.
Il Fluxus conosce una diffusione planetaria, dall’America all’Europa, dal Giappone alla Corea e si estende presto anche in Italia. Tra i principali artisti, oltre a quelli presenti nell’esposizione, si ricordano Nam June Paik, Wolf Vostell, Daniel Spoerri, John Cage, Yoko Ono, Silvano Bussotti, Charlotte Moorman, Al Hansen, Geoffrey Hendricks, Joe Jones, Dieter Roth, Takako Saito, Bob Watts.
Il legame tra il movimento Fluxus e l’Italia diventa molto stretto negli anni ’70, quando gli artisti trovano collezionisti, editori, galleristi che con entusiasmo sostengono le loro produzioni. Tra questi spicca la figura di Rosanna Chiessi.
Rosanna Chiessi è stata editrice, gallerista, promotrice di avanguardie artistiche e scopritrice di talenti. In cinquanta anni ha lavorato con artisti di tutto il mondo, in particolare dell’area concettuale italiana, poeti visivi, Azionismo Viennese, Fluxus, arte performativa e movimento Gutai. La collaborazione di Rosanna Chiessi con i principali artisti Fluxus, come un “flusso ininterrotto” scorrerà dai primi anni ’70 in poi.
L’esposizione FLUXUS – ARTE TOTALE, rivolta principalmente all’aspetto grafico, settore in cui Fluxus seppe esprimere proposte di grande novità, contribuendo a fondare la comunicazione visiva contemporanea, intende ricordare la personalità di Rosanna Chiessi e il suo rapporto con gli artisti Fluxus, attraverso una corposa selezione di opere ed edizioni preziose prodotte da lei con la sua casa editrice Pari&Dispari. Le edizioni, i multipli e i reperti delle performance sono spesso la sola concessione all’idea tradizionale di opera d’arte e rappresentano una testimonianza unica e fedele dello spirito di quel tempo e di quella cultura.
In esposizione opere di 11 protagonisti storici del movimento: Eric Andersen, AY-O, Giuseppe Chiari, Philip Corner, Coco Gordon, Dick Higgins, Milan Knizak, Alison Knowles, Jackson Mac Low, Ben Patterson ed Emmett Williams.
TOMAS SCHMIT Making Things Drawing Action Language 1970–2006
Edited by Jenny Graser and Barbara Wien. Text by Jenny Graser, Dagmar Korbacher, Kasper König, Tomas Schmit, Dorothy Iannone, et al.
Hatje Cantz, 2021
When the European Fluxus group split in 1964 after two eventful years, Tomas Schmit, who had been involved in the group’s actions as a performer, gradually withdrew from performing. From 1966 he devoted himself primarily to writing and drawing. But the idea of the stage as a place where an action is performed in front of and with an audience did not vanish from his art. From then on, Schmit staged “the performance of drawing” on paper. In this catalogue, the close interlocking of performance and drawing in Schmit’s entire oeuvre is examined for the first time. The publication further reflects on the manifold spectrum of his drawing and language art spanning almost 40 years.
TOMAS SCHMIT (1943–2006) came to art as an autodidact, learning from Fluxus artists such as Nam June Paik, George Maciunas, Arthur Köpcke, and Ludwig Gosewitz, with whom he began performing in 1962. His drawings provide complex, often humorous commentary and engage with subjects as diverse as language, logic, cybernetics, biology, behavioral science, and perception.